Universität Bonn

IGG | Geodätische Raumverfahren

Anton Reinhold

Scientist, Ph.D. Student

Research Interests:

  • Precise orbit determination
  • Simulation studies
  • Terrestrial reference frames
  • Combination of space geodetic techniques
Avatar Reinhold

Anton Reinhold

Scientist, PhD student

Building 401, Room 1.01

Claude-Dornier-Str. 1

82234 Weßling

Identifier & Metrics

Selected Publications

Selected Publications


  • Since 2023: Ph.D. Student, Space Geodesy Group, Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformation, University of Bonn, Germany
  • Since 2023: Member of the International Laser Ranging Service (ILRS) GFZ Analysis Center
  • Since 2022: Member of the International DORIS Service (IDS) Analysis Working Group (AWG)
  • Since 2022: Member of the Copernicus POD Quality Working Group


  • Dipl.Ing. in Geodesy and Geoinformation, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany, 2013

Selected Research Boards and Committees

  • since 2024: Member of the IDS WG Integrated Clock Correction Strategies for DORIS
  • since 2024: Member of the IAG-IERS JWG 1.2.4 Evaluation of the Terrestrial Reference Frames

Projects and Funding

DFG | Novel clock technologies | Project number 490990195

Webseite: gepris.dfg.de3

Time Frame: since 2023

PI: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Susanne Glaser4

Complete Bibliography

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