Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jan-Henrik Haunert
Professor for Geoinformation
My research is dealing with the automatic analysis and visualization of spatial information. I'm aiming to develop mathematical models for problems in that context and to find efficient algorithms that provide quality guarantees and that excel in experiments under realistic conditions. To this end, I'm using methods from combinatorial optimization and computational geometry as well as graph-theoretical concepts.
Large parts of my work are related to problems in which large and detailed spatial data sets are given as input and the aim is to compute a selection of information as well as an appropriate graphical or non-graphical representation of it.
The result can be a map or a non-graphical model in which certain information such as large-scale patterns or relationships among spatial objects are explicitly modeled and thus more directly accessible than in the source data.
Jan-Henrik Haunert
Head of working group
Meckenheimer Allee 172
53115 Bonn
- since 08/2016:
Professor of Geoinformation at Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformation at the University of Bonn
- 09/2013 bis 07/2016:
Professor of Geoinformatics at the University of Osnabrück
- 09/2009 bis 08/2013:
Academic Counsellor at the Chair of Computer Science at the University of Würzburg, Habilitation in computer science (July 2013)
- 01/2004 bis 08/2009:
Research assistant at the Institute of Cartography and Geoinformatics at the University of Hanover, completed his doctorate ‘with honours’ in geodesy and geoinformatics (September 2008)
- 10/1998 bis 12/2003:
Study of geodesy and geoinformatics at the University of Hanover, semester abroad at the Helsinki University of Technology, research assistant at the Institute for Photogrammetry and Geoinformation in Hannover, graduated as Dipl.-Ing. ‘with honours’
Awards / Prizes
- 2012: Otto von Gruber Award der International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS)
- 2009: Förderpreis der Victor Rizkallah-Stiftung
Key Publications
- Einführung in die Geoinformation4
- Geo-Algorithmen und -Datenstrukturen5
- Geoinformation und Kartographie6
- Geoinformation and Spatial Development (Project)
- GIS-Technologie
- Geoinformation Systems
- Coordinate Systems
- Advanced Algorithms for Geoinformation Systems
- Geoinformation Management in Interdisciplinary Research
- Geo-Algorithmen und -Datenstrukturen5
- Geoinformation und Kartographie6
- Geoinformation and Spatial Development (Project)
- Location-based Services
- Spatial Decision Support Systems
Panel work
- Member of ""Deutsche Geodätischen Kommission"8
- Associate Editor of "PFG – Journal of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Science"10 for the field of Geoinformation
- Member of the steering committee of "GeoIT Round Table NRW"11
Projects / Third-party funds
DFG | Project 459420781
part of DFG Research Group FOR 5361: KI-FOR Algorithmic Data Analytics for Geodesy (AlgoForGe)
Website: www.algoforge.de12
Term: 2022 -
Responsibility: Prof. Dr. Jan-Henrik Haunert (PI)
FOR Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Petra Mutzel
NFDI | FAIR Data Infrastructure for Agrosystems
Website: www.fairagro.net13
Term: 2021
Responsibility: Prof. Dr. Jan-Henrik Haunert (Co-Spokesperson)
Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Frank Ewert
DFG | Project 424960421
part of DFG Priority Program 1894: Volunteered Geographic Information: Interpretation, Visualisation and Social Computing
Website: www.vgiscience.org14
Term: 2019 - 2023
Responsibility: Prof. Dr. Jan-Henrik Haunert (PI)
DFG | Cluster of Excellence
Website: www.phenorob.de15
Term: 2017 -
Responsibilty: Prof. Dr. Jan-Henrik Haunert (Associate Member, Coordination of Data Management)
Cluster Spokespersons: Prof. Dr. Cyrill Stachniss, Prof. Dr. Heiner Kuhlmann
subproject Z03: Data Infrastructure and Services
Website: www.sfb1502.de16
Term: 2022 -
Responsibility: Prof. Dr. Jan-Henrik Haunert (PI in subproject Z03)
SFB Spokespersons: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Kusche, Prof. Dr. Silke Hüttel, Prof. Dr. Harry Vereecken
DFG | Project 195378132
Website: www.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de17
Term: 2011 - 2016
Responsibility: Prof. Dr. Jan-Henrik Haunert (PI)
BLE | Mixed Reality im Hühnerstall als Türöffner für Wissenstransfer und Tierwohl
Website: https://www.mud-tierschutz.de18
Term: 2022 -
Responsibility: Prof. Dr. Jan-Henrik Haunert (Co-Applicant)
Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Inga Tiemann