Universität Bonn

IGG | Geoinformation

Computational Methods of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing, Geoinformation, and Cartography

PhD colloquium of the Geoinformatics Division of the German Geodetic Commission (Deutsche Geodätische Kommission, DGK)

September 15th  - 16th, 2025 (lunch to lunch) at the University of Bonn 

Researchers across all disciplines that deal with geoinformation processing and analysis are experiencing a rapid evolution of computational methods. Especially machine learning and more specifically deep learning not only continue to have an increasing impact on applied research, their success has also influenced methodological research on several related computational tasks, e.g., the generation of training data, the computation of geometric object representations, and the quality assessment of outcomes generated with machine learning. At the same time and in many cases influenced by the machine learning megatrend, methods of discrete optimization, computational geometry, and other research areas have substantially advanced.

Call  for abstracts

In this context, we invite PhD students from all research groups organized in the DGK Geoinformatics Division to submit abstracts for presentations focusing on recent computational methods they have selected and further developed as part of their research. Each abstract should have a length of approximately one page and contain:

  • A title mentioning an application area or task and a method of choice.
  • The name of the PhD student and his or her affiliation.
  • A short and precise motivation and description of the research goal: Why is your work relevant? Which problem do you aim to solve or which research question do you want to answer?
  • A recap of the methodology that was used as the starting point of the new developments: Where did you start?
  • Which new methods, components or adaptations do you contribute?
  • What experimental results have you achieved with your method so far?
  • What else do you plan for your dissertation?

Authors of abstracts that passed a reviewing process will be invited for oral presentations at the PhD colloquium.

Submissions will be handled via EasyChair (starting from April 1st) | Abstract deadline: June 30, 2025

The abstracts will be reviewed by members of the Geoinformatics Division of DGK. Several of them will attend the colloquium to provide feedback to the speakers.

Tentative Program

  • Presentations by PhD students
  • Dinner on Monday evening
  • Keynote presentations on Tuesday morning
  • Tutorial on programming libraries for computational geometry and discrete optimization (for PhD students)
  • Plenary discussion or break-out groups on joint research (for members of the DGK Division on Geoinformatics)

Keynote Speakers

PD Dr. Jens Behley | Photogrammetry and Robotics Group | University of Bonn

Prof. Dr. Jan Dirk Wegner | EcoVision Lab | University of  Zürich

Program Chairs

Jan-Henrik Haunert | University of Bonn | Germany

Helmut Mayer | University of the Bundeswehr (Munich) | Germany


The PhD colloquium will be held in the rooms of the Geoinformation Group of the University of Bonn (Meckenheimer Allee 172, 53115 Bonn). The train station, city center, and many hotels are in walking distance.


Jan-Henrik Haunert: haunert@igg.uni-bonn.de

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