Universität Bonn

IGG | Geoinformation


The geoinformation group led by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jan-Henrik Haunert focuses on the development of efficient algorithms for the automatic analysis and visualization of spatial information. Thereby, we lay the foundations for the next generations of geoinformation systems (GIS), interactive visualization systems, navigation systems, and location-based services.

We hold courses on geoinformation systems, spatial databases, programming, algorithms, and cartography for students in the German-taught BSc program Geodäsie und Geoinformation. In the German-taught MSc program Geodäsie und Geoinformation as well as in the English-taught MSc program Geodetic Engineering, we focus on algorithmic aspects of geoinformation science.

Recent publications

© IGG - Geoinformation

Semantic Floorplan Segmentation Using Self-Constructing Graph Networks

Knechtel, Julius, Rottmann, Peter, Haunert, Jan-Henrik, Dehbi, Youness

CAD-Pool Städtebau
© IGG - Geoinformation

Metrochrones: Schematic Isochrones for Schematic Metro Maps

Axel Forsch, Jan-Henrik Haunert

© IGG - Geoinformation

The green window view index: automated multi-source visibility analysis for a multi-scale assessment of green window views

Bolte, Anna-Maria, Niedermann, Benjamin, Kistemann, Thomas, Haunert, Jan-Henrik, Dehbi, Youness, Kötter, Theo

© IGG - Geoinformation

On Orbital Labeling with Circular Contours

Bonerath, Annika, Nöllenburg, Martin, Terziadis, Soeren, Wallinger, Markus, Wulms, Jules

© IGG - Geoinformation

Report on the FAIRagro Workshop on Data Quality for Data Analytics in Agrosystem Science (DQ4DA)

Gedicke, Sven, Risvi, Shiyaza, Haunert, Jan-Henrik

CAD-Pool Städtebau
© IGG - Geoinformation

The synergies of SMAP enhanced and MODIS products in a random forest regression for estimating 1 km soil moisture over Africa using Google Earth Engine

Mohseni, Farzane, Ahrari, AmirHossein, Haunert, Jan-Henrik, Montzka, Carsten


Avatar Haunert

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jan-Henrik Haunert

Head of working group


Meckenheimer Allee 172

53115 Bonn

Avatar Juraga

Sandra Juraga



Meckenheimer Allee 172

53115 Bonn

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