M.Sc. Lina Stausberg
PhD Student
Lina Stausberg
PhD Student
Nußallee 17
53115 Bonn
© IGG Geodesy
Research Interests
Laser Scanning
Point Cloud Processing
- Surface Modeling
High-Throughput Phenotyping
- Deformation Analysis
- Grundmodul Geodätisches Rechnen (B46)
- Vorlesung
- Übung
- Fachmodul Industrielle Messtechnik (B50)
- Praktikum
- Fachmodul GNSS, Ingenieurgeodäsie und geodätische Punktfelder (B51)
- Seminar
- Bachelorarbeiten
- Wahlpflichtmodul (M26)
- Modellierung und Qualitätsanalyse von Punktwolken
- Masterprojekt
- Masterarbeiten
- Mandatory Elective Module
- Stausberg, L., Jost, B., Klingbeil, L., Kuhlmann, H. (2024) A 3D Surface Reconstruction Pipeline for Plant Phenotyping. Remote Sensing, 16(24), 4720. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs16244720
- Chakhvashvili, E., Stausberg, L., Bendig, J., Klingbeil, L., Siegmann, B., Muller, O., Kuhlmann, H. & Rascher, U. (2024). Multispectral imaging and terrestrial laser scanning for the detection of drought-induced paraheliotropic leaf movement in soybean. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 135, 104250.
- Esser, F., Klingbeil, L., Zabawa, L., & Kuhlmann, H. (2023). Quality Analysis of a High-Precision Kinematic Laser Scanning System for the Use of Spatio-Temporal Plant and Organ-Level Phenotyping in the Field. Remote Sensing, 15(4), 1117
- Klingbeil, L., Dreier, A., Esser, F., Zabawa, L., Pavlic, D., Kuhlmann, H. (2022). Mobile Mapping auf dem Acker – hochaufgelöste 3D-Vermessung für nachhaltige Pflanzenproduktion. Allgemeine Vermessungs-Nachrichten (AVN), 129 (2022) 3, S. 96-103, Wichmann Verlag, Berlin
Presentations & Posters
- Zabawa L., Zabawa L, Esser F, Klingbeil L, Kuhlmann H (2021) Automated Surface Area Estimation of Plants based on 3D Point Clouds, International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), Workshop CPPA, 11-17 October 2021
- PhenoRob - Robotics and Phenotyping for Sustainable Crop Production
- https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Lina-Zabawa