The geodesy working group offers courses in the Geodäsie und Geoinformation and Geodetic Engineering degree programs.
B.Sc. Geodäsie und Geoinformation
- B46 - Geodätisches Rechnen
- B49 - Geodätische Messtechnik
- B50 - Industrielle Messtechnik
- B51 - GNSS, Ingenieurgeodäsie und Geodätische Punktfelder
- B59 - Bachelorarbeit
M.Sc. Geodäsie und Geoinformation
- M22 - Geodätische Optimierung und Multisensorsysteme
- M25 - Deformationsanalyse einer Talsperre
- M26 - Modellierung und Qualitätsanalyse von Punktwolken
- M26 - Virtuelles 3D-Modell der Trümmerstrecke
- M29 - Masterarbeit
M.Sc. Geodetic Engineering
- MGE-01 - Coordinate Systems
- MGE-02 - Global Navigation Satellite Systems
- MGE-06 - Profile Fundamentals
- MSR-01 - Sensors and State Estimation
- MSR-05 - Application and Evaluation of Kinematic Mobile-Sensor-Systems
- MSR-P - Mobile Sensing and Robotics
- Master Thesis
Bachelor and Master theses
For students of the Geodäsie und Geoinformation and Geodetic Engineering degree courses, we issue Bachelor's and Master's theses on current topics in the context of our research areas. In a joint discussion with interested students, we concretize a topic from our research areas, which are summarized under the following areas:
- Terrestrial laser scanning (TLS)
- Applications in agriculture
- Kinematic laser scanning
- Trajectory estimation and evaluation
We take individual interests and previous knowledge into account when setting the topic. For Bachelor's theses, the task is less complex than for Master's theses; in particular, the work steps to be performed are specified to a greater extent.
Heiner Kuhlmann
Nußallee 17
53115 Bonn