UAV-based Spot Spraying Against Plant Diseases
Plant diseases often exhibit a patchy distribution within fields. The application of fungicides, however, is often based on environmental conditions and visual assessment and then, in practice, is homogeneous over entire fields. A site-specific control of plant diseases with robotics and drone technology provides the potential to improve the efficacy of disease control while reducing the negative impact on agricultural ecosystems.
Digital Agricultural Avatar
The PhenoRob Digital Agricultural Avatar is a software that facilitates access and usability of process-based simulation agro-models under one roof. Our aim is to provide information and a usage platform to make process-based agro-models available in an appealing way both for users as well as for the public.
Bee Demonstrator - Detect and Identify Pollinators in the Field
Field margins, floral plantings, and crops offering nectar and pollen to insects may contribute to ecosystem service delivery (pollination) and ecological intensification of agriculture. The application of machine learning on data collected using low-cost RGB cameras represents a new opportunity to investigate, evaluate, and optimize the attractiveness of such cropping systems to beneficial insects.