
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Kusche


© Volker Lannert | Uni Bonn


Prof. Kusche joined the Institute for Geodesy and Geoinforma-tion (IGG) as director of Astronomical, Physical and mathematical Geodesy Group at the University of Bonn, in 2009.

  • Ph.D.
  • M.Sc.
  • B.Sc.
  • Since 2009 Professor of Astronomical, Physical and Mathematical Geodesy, Institute for Geodesy and Geoinformation, University of Bonn.
  • 2006 – 2009 Director of Section 1.2 Global Geomonitoring and Gravity Field (Formerly Section 1.3 Schwerefeld und Gravimetrie) at GeoForschungsZentrum (GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences) Potsdam .
  • 2005 – 2006 Associate Professor, Department of Earth Observation and Space Systems, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Delft University of Technology (NL).
  • 2003 – 2004 Assistant Professor, Department of Earth Observation and Space Systems, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Delft University of Technology (NL).
  • 2001 – 2003 Assistant Professor, Department of Geodesy, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Delft University of Technology (NL).
  • 1991 – 2001 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Theoretische Geodäsie der Universität Bonn.
  • Erdsystemforschung mit geodätischen Methoden, Wasserkreislauf, Meeresspiegel und Klima.
  • Globales und regionales Schwerefeld.
  • Satellitengeodäsie.
  • Radaraltimetrie.
  • Thermosphäre.
  • Inverse Methoden in der Geodäsie, statistische Analyse geodätischer Daten, Monte-Carlo Verfahren.

  • Astronomisch-physikalische und mathematische Geodäsie I. (BSc.)
  • Astronomisch-physikalische und mathematische Geodäsie II. (BSc.)
  • Astronomisch-physikalische und mathematische Geodäsie. (MSc.)
  • Profile Fundamentals. (MSc.)
  • Mass transport modelling and monitoring. (MSc.)
  • Advanced methods in satellite geodesy. (MSc.)
  • Masterprojekt Bonn Space Geodesy Simulator. (MSc.)

  • Since 2022 Sprecher des DFG-Sonderforschungsbereiches 1502 (Regional climate change: The role of land use and water management (DETECT).
  • Since 2020 Mitglied des Direktoriums des Center for Earth System Observation and Computational Analysis (CESOC) der Universitäten Bonn und Köln sowie des FZ Jülich.
  • 2015 – 2023 Mitglied der Steuerungsgruppe des DFG-Schwerpunktprogramms 1889 (Regional sea level change and society).
  • 2014 – 2015 Mitglied im Senat der Universität Bonn.
  • Since 2018 Ko-Sprecher der DFG-Forschungsgruppe 2630 (Understanding the global freshwater system by combining geodetic and remote sensing information with modelling using a calibration/data assimilation approach (GlobalCDA)).
  • 2017 – 2019 Prodekan für Forschung und Wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs und Direktor der Theodor-Brinkmann Graduiertenschule.
  • 2015 - 2023 Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Geodesy.
  • 2015 – 2023 Mitglied des DFG-Fachkollegiums 315.
  • Since 2014 Mitglied der Steuerungsgruppe des DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm 1778 Dynamic Earth.
  • 2009 – 2015 Mitglied des Direktoriums des Geoverbund ABC/J (Aachen-Bonn-Köln-Jülich).
  • 2008 – 2014 Sprecher des DFG-Schwerpunktprogramms 1257 Massentransporte und Massenverteilungen im System Erde.
  • 2007 – 2015 Editor, Journal of Geodesy.
  • 2007 – 2009 Direktor des International Center for Global Earth Models (ICGEM).
  • 2005 – 2013 Editor, Studia Geophysica et Geodetica.

  • 2010 Aufnahme in den Ausschuss Geodäsie der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (DGK).
  • 2007 Fellow der International Association of Geodesy (IAG).
  • 1994 Preis der Gesellschaft der Freunde und Förderer der Universität Bonn (GEFFRUB).

  1. Li, F., Springer, A., Kusche, J., Gutknecht, B., Ewerdwalbesloh, Y. (2025). Reanalysis and Forecasting of Total Water Storage and Hydrological States by Combining Machine Learning With CLM Model Simulations and GRACE Data Assimilation. 61(2), e2024WR037926,

  2. Chen, J., Fenoglio, L. and Kusche, J. (2025). Measuring off-nadir river water levels and slopes from altimeter fully-focused SAR mode. Journal of Hydrology, 650, April 2025, 132553,

  3. Kracheletz, M., Liu, Z., Springer, A., Kusche, J., Friederichs, P. (2025). Would the 2021 Western Europe Flood Event Be Visible in Satellite Gravimetry? JGR, Atmosphere, 130(3),e2024JD042190,

  4. Xiong, Y., Feng, W., Zhou, X., Kusche, J., Shen, Y., Yang, M., Wang, C., Zhong, M. (2024). Separation of earthquake and hydrology signals from GRACE satellites data via independent component analysis: a case study in the Sumatra region, Geophysical Journal International, 239(3), pp. 1597–1616,

  5. Li, F., Kusche, J., Sneeuw, N., Siebert, S., Gerdener, H., Wang, Z., Chao, N., Chen, G., Tian, K. (2024). Forecasting Next Year's Global Land Water Storage Using GRACE Data. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(17), e2024GL109101,

  6. Jensen, L., Gerdner, H., Eicker, A., Kusche, J., Fiedler, S. (2024).Observations indicate regionally misleading wetting and drying trends in CMIP6. Climate and Atmospheric Science,

  7. Schulze, K., Kusche, J., Gerdener, H., Döll, P., Müller Schmied, H. (2024): Benefits and Pitfalls of GRACE and Streamflow Assimilation for Improving the Streamflow Simulations of the WaterGAP Global Hydrology Model. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 16, e2023MS004092.

  8. Bako, M. and Kusche, J. (2024). Evaluation and homogenization of a marine gravity database from shipborne and satellite altimetry-derived gravity data over the coastal region of Nigeria. Journal of Applied Geodesy.

  9. Bako, M., Elsaka, B., Kusche, J., Fenoglio-Marc, L. (2024). Evaluation of GOCE/GRACE and combined global geopotential models using GNSS/levelling data over Nigeria. Stud Geophys Geod.

  10. Azizi, A., Akhtar, F., Kusche, J., Tischbein, B., Borgemeister, C., Oluoch, W.A. (2024) Machine learning-based estimation of fractional snow cover in the Hindukush Mountains using MODIS and Landsat data. Journal of Hydrology.

  11. Döll, P., Hasan, H. M. M., Schulze, K., Gerdener, H., Börger, L., Shadkam, S., Ackermann, S., Hosseini-Moghari, S.-M., Müller Schmied, H., Güntner, A., Kusche, J. (2024) Leveraging multi-variable observations to reduce and quantify the output uncertainty of a global hydrological model: evaluation of three ensemble-based approaches for the Mississippi River basin. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 28(10), 2259-2295, doi.10.5194/hess-28-2259-2024,

  12. Springer, A., Mielke, C. A., Liu, Z., Dixit, S., Friederichs, P., Kusche, J. (2024) A regionally refined and mass‐consistent atmospheric and hydrological de‐aliasing product for GRACE, GRACE‐FO and future gravity missions. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 129, e2023JB027883,

  13. Bolmer, E., Abulaitijiang, A., Kusche, J., Roscher, R. (2024) Estimating daily semantic segmentation maps of classified ocean eddies using sea level anomaly data from along-track altimetry. Front. Artif. Intell. 7:1298283.

  14. Willen, M. O., Horwath, M., Buchta, E., Scheinert, M., Helm, V., Uebbing, B., Kusche, J. (2024) Globally consistent estimates of high-resolution Antarctic ice mass balance and spatially resolved glacial isostatic adjustment. The Cryosphere, 18(2), pp. 775-790, DOI:10.5194/tc-18-775-2024,

  15. Yu, B., You, W., Kusche, J., Fan, D., Su, Y., & Zhang, J. (2023) A detailed analysis of stochastic models applied to temporal gravity field recovery with GRACE observations, Geophysical Journal International, 236(1), 516–536.

  16. Wan, X., You, W., Kusche, J., Li, F., Yang, X., Fan, D., Pu, Lun, & Jiang, Z. (2023) Evaluating different predictive strategies for filling the global GRACE/-FO terrestrial water storage anomalies gap, Journal of Hydrology, 626, Part A, 130216.

  17. Stolle, C., Baerenzung, J., Kronberg, E., Kusche, J., Liu, H., & Shimizu, H. (2023) Special issue “DynamicEarth: Earth’s interior, surface, ocean, atmosphere, and near space interactions”, Earth, Planets and Space, 75, 137.

  18. Chen, J., Fenoglio, L., Kusche, J., Liao, J., Uyanik, H., Nadzir, Z., & Lou, Y. (2023) Evaluation of Sentinel-3A altimetry over Songhua river Basin, Journal of Hydrology, 618, 129197.

  19. Klos, A., Kusche, J., Leszczuk, G., Gerdener, H., Schulze, K., Lenczuk, A., Bogusz, J. (2023) Introducing the Idea of Classifying Sets of Permanent GNSS Stations as Benchmarks for Hydrogeodesy. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, e2023JB026988.

  20. Gerdener, H., Kusche, J., Schulze, K., Doell, P., Klos, A.  (2023) The global land water storage data set release 2 (GLWS2.0) derived via assimilating GRACE and GRACE-FO data into a global hydrological model. J Geod 97, 73.

  21. Gerdener, H., Schulze, K., Kusche, J. (2023) GLWS 2.0: A global product that provides total water storage anomalies, groundwater, soil moisture, and surface water with a spatial resolution of 0.5∘ from 2003 to 2019. PANGAEA,

  22. Güntner, A., Gerdener, H., Boergens, E., Kusche, J., Kollet, S., Dobslaw, H., Hartick, C., Sharifi, E., Flechtner, F. (2023) Veränderungen der Wasserspeicherung in Deutschland seit 2002 aus Beobachtungen der Satellitengravimetrie. Hydrologie & Wasserbewirtschaftung, 67, (2), 74-89.

  23. Li, R., Lei, J., Kusche, J., Dang, T., Huang, F., Luan, X., Zhang, S.-R., Yan, M., Yang, Z., Liu, F., Dou, X. (2023). Large-Scale Disturbances in the Upper Thermosphere Induced by the 2022 Tonga Volcanic Eruption. Geophysical Research Letters, 50(3),e2022GL102265,

  24. Corbin, A., Kusche, J. (2022). Improving the estimation of thermospheric neutral density via two-step assimilation of in situ neutral density into a numerical model. Earth Planets Space 74, 183.

  25. Yang, F., Luo, Z., Zhou, H., Kusche, J. (2022). On study of the Earth topography correction for the GRACE surface mass estimation. J. Geod. 96, 95.

  26. Stolzenberger, S., Rietbroek, R., Wekerle, C., Uebbing, B., Kusche, J. (2022). Simulated Signatures of Greenland Melting in the North Atlantic: A Model Comparison With Argo Floats, Satellite Observations, and Ocean Reanalysis. JGR Oceans, 127(11), e2022JC018528.

  27. Dibi-Anoh, P.A., Koné, M., Gerdener, H., Kusche, J., N’Da, Ch. K. (2022). Hydrometeorological Extreme Events in West Africa: Droughts. Surv Geophys (2022).

  28. Willen, M.O., Horwath, M., Groh, A., Helm, V., Uebbing, B., Kusche, J.  (2022). Feasibility of a global inversion for spatially resolved glacial isostatic adjustment and ice sheet mass changes proven in simulation experiments. Journal of Geodesy, 96, 75 (2022).

  29. Vereecken, H., Amelung, W., Bauke, S., Bogena, H., Brüggemann, N., Montzka, C., Vanderborght, J., Bechtold, M., Blöschl, G., Carminati, A., Javaux, M., Konings, A.G., Kusche, J., Neuweiler, I., Or, D., Steele-Dunne, S., Verhoef, A., Young, M., Zhang Y. (2022). Soil hydrology in the Earth system. Nat Rev Earth Environ 3, 573–587 (2022).

  30. Gerdener, H., Kusche, J., Schulze, K., Ghazaryan, G., Dubovyk, O. (2022). Revising precipitation – water storages – vegetation signatures with GRACE-based data assimilation. Journal of Hydrology, Volume 612, Part A, September 2022, 128096,

  31. Arutyunova, A., Driemel, A., Haunert, J.-H., Haverkort, H., Kusche, J., Langetepe, E., Mayer, Ph., Mutzel, P., Röglin, H. (2022). Minimum-Error Triangulations for Sea Surface Reconstruction. In 8th International Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG 2022), Vol. 224, pp. 7:1--7:18, Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, Dagstuhl, Germany, doi:10.4230/LIPIcs.SoCG.2022.7.

  32. Elsaka, B., Francis, O., Kusche, J. (2022). Calibration of the Latest Generation Superconducting Gravimeter iGrav-043 Using the Observatory Superconducting Gravimeter OSG-CT040 and the Comparisons of Their Characteristics at the Walferdange Underground Laboratory for Geodynamics, Luxembourg.  Pure Appl. Geophys.

  33. Zeitler, L., Corbin, A., Vielberg, K., Rudenko, S., Löcher, A., Blossfeld, M., Schmidt, M., Kusche, J. (2021). Scale Factors of the Thermospheric Density: A Comparison of Satellite Laser Ranging and Accelerometer Solutions. Journal of Geophysical research-Space Physics, 126(12),Number: e2021JA029708,

  34. Yang, F., Forootan, E., Wang, C., Kusche, J., Luo, Z. (2021). A New 1-Hourly ERA5-Based Atmosphere De-Aliasing Product for GRACE, GRACE-FO, and Future Gravity Missions. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, Vol.126(9), e2021JB021926,

  35. Nitzke, A., Niedermann, B., Fenoglio-Marc, L., Kusche, J., Haunert, J.-H. (2021). Reconstructing the time-variable sea surface from tide gauge records using optimal data-dependent triangulations. Computers & Geosciences, Vol. 157,

  36. Meza, I., Rezaei, E.E., Siebert, S., Ghazaryan, G., Nouri, H., Dubovyk, O., Gerdener, H., Herbert, C., Kusche, J., Popat, E., Rhyner, J., Jordaan, A., Walz, Y., Hagenlocher, M. (2021). Drought risk for agricultural systems in South Africa: Drivers, spatial patterns, and implications for drought risk management, Science of The Total Environment, Volume 799, 149505,

  37. Schröder, S., Stellmer, S., Kusche, J. (2021). Potential and scientific requirements of optical clock networks for validating satellite-derived time-variable gravity data, Geophysical Journal International, Volume 226, Issue 2, August 2021, Pages 764–779,

  38. Deggim, S., Eicker, A., Schawohl, L., Gerdener, H., Schulze, K., Engels, O., Kusche, J., Saraswati, A. T., van Dam, T., Ellenbeck, L., Dettmering, D., Schwatke, C., Mayr, S., Klein, I., and Longuevergne, L. (2021). RECOG RL01: correcting GRACE total water storage estimates for global lakes/reservoirs and earthquakes, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 13, 2227–2244,

  39. Li, F., Kusche, J., Chao, N., Wang, Z., Löcher, A. (2021). Long-term (1979-present) total water storage anomalies over the global land derived by reconstructing GRACE data. Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2021GL093492.

  40. Löcher, A., Kusche, J. (2021). A hybrid approach for recovering high-resolution temporal gravity fields from satellite laser ranging. Journal of Geodesy 95(6),

  41. Richter, H.M.P., Lück, C., Klos, A., Sideris, M.G., Rangelova, E., Kusche, J. (2021). Reconstructing GRACE-type time-variable gravity from the Swarm satellites. Sci. Rep. (11), pp. 1117,

  42. Chen, Q., Shen, Y., Kusche, J., Chen, W., Chen, T., Zhang, X. (2021). High‐Resolution GRACE Monthly Spherical Harmonic Solutions. Journal of Geophysical Research (Solid earth), Vol. 126 (1),

  43. Fenoglio, L., Dinardo, S., Uebbing, B., Buchhaupt, C., Gärtner, M., Staneva, J., Becker, M., Klos, A., Kusche, J. (2021).  Advances in NE-Atlantic coastal Sea Level Change Monitoring from Delay Doppler Altimetry, Adv. Space Res.,68(2), pp. 571–592,

  44. Buchhaupt, C., Fenoglio-Marc, L., Becker, M., Kusche, J. (2021). Impact of Vertical Water Particle Motions on Fully-Focused SAR Altimetry. Adv. Space Res., 68(2), pp. 853–874,

  45. Klos, A., Karegar, M.A., Kusche, J., Springer, A. (2021). Quantifying Noise in Daily GPS Height Time Series: Harmonic Function Versus GRACE-Assimilating Modeling Approaches. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 18(4), pp. 627–631, doi.10.1109/LGRS.2020.2983045.

  46. Karegar, M.A., Kusche, J. (2020). Imprints of COVID‐19 Lockdown on GNSS Observations: An Initial Demonstration Using GNSS Interferometric Reflectometry. Geophysical Research Letters, 47 (19),

  47. Drees, L., Kusche, J., and Roscher, R. (2020). Multi-Modal Deep Learning with Sentinel-3 Observations for the Detection of Oceanic Internal Waves, ISPRS Ann. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., V-2-2020, 813–820,

  48. Kenea, T.T., Kusche, J., Kebede, S., Güntner, A. (2020). Forecasting terrestrial water storage for drought management in Ethiopia, Hydrological Sciences Journal, pp. 1 - 14,

  49. Karegar, M.A., Larson, K.M., Kusche, J., Dixon., T.H. (2020). Novel quantification of shallow sediment compaction by GPS interferometric reflectometry and implications for flood susceptibility, Geophysical Research Letters,

  50. Chen, T., Kusche, J., Shen, Y., Chen, Q. (2020). A Combined Use of TSVD and Tikhonov Regularization for Mass Flux Solution in Tibetan Plateau. Remote Sens. 2020, 12(12), 2045;

  51. Li, F., Kusche, J., Rietbroek, R., Wang, Z., Forootan, E., Schulze, K., and Lück, C. (2020). Comparison of Data‐driven Techniques to Reconstruct (1992‐2002) and Predict (2017‐2018) GRACE‐like Gridded Total Water Storage Changes using Climate Inputs. Water Resources Research, 56 (5), e2019WR026551,

  52. Vielberg, K., and Kusche, J. (2020). Extended forward and inverse modeling of radiation pressure accelerations for LEO satellites. Journal of Geodesy, Volume 94, Article 43.

  53. Meza, I., Siebert, S., Döll, P., Kusche, J., Herbert, C., Eyshi Rezaei, E., Nouri, H., Gerdener, H., Popat, E., Frischen, J., Naumann, G., Vogt, J. V., Walz, Y., Sebesvari, Z., and Hagenlocher, M. (2020). Global-scale drought risk assessment for agricultural systems, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 20, 695–712,, 2020.

  54. Gerdener, H., Engels, O., Kusche, J. (2020). A framework for deriving drought indicators from the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE), Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 24, 227–248,

  55. Springer, A., Karegar, M.A., Kusche, J., Keune, J., Kurtz, W., Kollet, S. (2019). Evidence of daily hydrological loading in GPS time series over Europe. J Geod.

  56. Klos, A., Kusche, J., Fenoglio-Marc, L., Bos, M., Bogusz, J. (2019). Introducing a vertical land motion model for improving estimates of sea level rates derived from tide gauge records affected by earthquakes. GPS Solut., 23: 102.

  57. Uebbing, B., Kusche, J., Rietbroek, R. and Landerer, F. W. (2019). Processing choices affect ocean mass estimates from GRACE. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 124, no. 2: 1029–44,

  58. Löcher, A., Kusche, J. (2019). Assessment of the impact of one-way laser ranging on orbit determination of the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, Journal of Geodesy, 93, pp. 2421–2428,

  59. WCRP Global Sea Level Budget Group (2018). Global sea-level budget 1993–present. Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 10, pp. 1551–1590,

  60. Kusche, J., Uebbing, B., Rietbroek, R., Fenoglio-Marc, L., Bernzen, A., Braun, B., (2018). Bangladesch-integriertes Monitoring in einer klimasensitiven Region. zfv – Zeitschrift für Geodäsie, Geoinformation und Landmanagement.

  61. Löcher, A., Kusche, J. (2018). Precise orbits of the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter from radiometric tracking data, Journal of Geodesy, 92(9), pp 989–1001,

  62. Forootan, E., Kusche, J., Talpe, M., Shum, C.K., Schmidt, M. (2018). Developing a Complex Independent Component Analysis (CICA) Technique to Extract Non-stationary Patterns from Geophysical Time Series. Surv Geophys (2018). 39(3), pp. 435 - 465,
    Vielberg, K., Forootan, E., Lück, C., Löcher, A., Kusche, J., and Börger, K. (2018). Comparison of accelerometer data calibration methods used in thermospheric neutral density estimation, Ann. Geophys., 36, pp. 761-779,
    Karegar, M. A., Dixon, T. H., Kusche, J., Chambers, D. P. (2018). A new hybrid method for estimating hydrologically induced vertical deformation from GRACE and a hydrological model: An example from Central North America. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 10.

  63. Schumacher, M., Forootan, E., van Dijkc, A.I.J.M., Müller Schmied, H., Crosbieg, R.S., Kusche, J., Dölle, P. (2018). Improving drought simulations within the Murray-Darling Basin by combined calibration/assimilation of GRACE data into the WaterGAP Global Hydrology Model. Remote Sensing of Environment, 204, 212 - 228,

  64. Poméon, T., Diekkrüger, B., Springer, A., Kusche, J., Eicker, A. (2018). Multi-Objective Validation of SWAT for Sparsely-Gauged West African River Basins—A Remote Sensing Approach. Water 2018, 10(4), pp. 451, doi.10.3390/w10040451.

  65. Lück, C., Kusche, J., Rietbroek, R., Löcher, A. (2018). Time-variable gravity fields and ocean mass change from 37 months of kinematic Swarm orbits, Solid Earth, 9, 323-339.,

  66. Kumar, N., Tischbein, B., Kusche, J., Laux, P., Beg, M. K., Bogardi, J. J., (2017). Impact of climate change on water resources of upper Kharun catchment in Chhattisgarh, India. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 13, Pp. 189-207,

  67. Karegar, M., Dixon, T., Malservisi, R., Kusche, J., Engelhart, S. (2017). Nuisance Flooding and Relative Sea-Level Rise: the Importance of Present-Day Land Motion. Scientific Reports, 7, doi.10.1038/s41598-017-11544-y.

  68. Uebbing, B., Forootan, E., Braakmann-Folgmann, A., Kusche, J. (2017). Inverting surface soil moisture information from satellite altimetry over arid and semi-arid regions Remote Sensing of Environment, 196, pp. 205–223,

  69. Wu, X., Kusche, J., Landerer, F. (2017). A new unified approach to determine geocentre motion using space geodetic and GRACE gravity data. Geophysical Journal International, 209, pp. 1398 - 1402,

  70. Kusche, J., Springer, A. (2017). Parameter Estimation for Satellite Gravity Field Modeling. In: Naeimi, Majid, Flury, Jacob (Hg.): Global Gravity Field Modeling from Satellite-to-Satellite Tracking Data. 2017, pp. 1-34,

  71. Springer, A., Eicker, A., Bettge, A., Kusche, J., Hense, A. (2017). Evaluation of the Water Cycle in the European COSMO-REA6 Reanalysis Using GRACE. Water, 2017, 9(4), pp. 289, doi:10.3390/w9040289.

  72. Dobslaw, H., Bergmann–Wolf, I., Forootan, E., Dahle, C., Mayer-Gürr, T., Kusche, J., Flechtner, F. (2016). Modeling of present-day atmosphere and ocean non-tidal de-aliasing errors for future gravity mission simulations. Journal of Geodesy, 90(5), pp. 423–436,

  73. Eicker, A., Forootan, E., Springer, A., Longuevergne, L., Kusche, J. (2016). Does GRACE see the terrestrial water cycle 'intensifying'?. Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmosphere, 2016, Vol. 121(2), pp. 733–745, doi:10.1002/2015JD023808.

  74. Forootan, E., Khandu, K., Awange, J., Schumacher, M., Anyah, R., van Dijk, A., Kusche, J. (2016). Quantifying the impacts of ENSO and IOD on rain gauge and remotely sensed precipitation products over Australia. Remote Sensing of Environment, Vol. 172, pp. 50–66,

  75. Kusche, J., Eicker, A., Forootan, E., Springer, A., Longuevergne, L. (2016). Mapping probabilities of extreme continental water storage changes from space gravimetry. Geophysical Research Letters, 43(15), pp. 8026–8034, doi:10.1002/2016GL069538.

  76. Kusche, J., Uebbing, B., Rietbroek, R., Shum, C. K., Khan, Z. (2016). Sea level budget in the Bay of Bengal (2002–2014) from GRACE and altimetry. Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans, 121(2), pp. 1194–1217, doi:10.1002/2015JC011471.

  77. Rietbroek, R. Brunnabend, S.-E., Kusche, J., Schröter, J., Dahle, C. (2016). Revisiting the contemporary sea-level budget on global and regional scales. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United States of America, 113 (6), pp. 1504–1509, doi:10.1073/pnas.1519132113.

  78. Schumacher, M., Kusche, J., Döll, P. (2016). A Systematic Impact Assessment of GRACE Error Correlation on Data Assimilation in Hydrological Models. Journal of Geodesy, 90(6), pp. 537–559, doi:10.1007/s00190-016-0892-y.

  79. Bogena, H., Huisman, J., Güntner, A., Hübner, C., Kusche, J., Jonard, F., Vey, S., Vereecken, H. (2015). Emerging methods for noninvasive sensing of soil moisture dynamics from field to catchment scale: a review. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water, 2(6), pp. 635–647, doi:10.1002/wat2.1097.

  80. Brunnabend, S.-E., Schröter, J., Rietbroek, R., Kusche, J. (2015). Regional sea level change in response to ice mass loss in Greenland, the West Antarctic and Alaska. Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans, 120(11), pp. 7316–7328, doi:10.1002/2015JC011244.

  81. Dobslaw, H., Bergmann–Wolf, I., Dill, R., Forootan, E., Klemann, V., Kusche, J., Sasgen, I. (2015). The Updated ESA Earth System Model for Future Gravity Mission Simulation Studies. Journal of Geodesy, 89(5), pp. 505–513, doi:10.1007/s00190-014-0787-8.

  82. Uebbing, B., Kusche, J., Forootan, E. (2015). Waveform retracking for improving level estimations from Topex/Poseidon, Jason-1 and -2 altimetry observations over African lakes. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 53(4), pp. 2211–2224, doi:10.1109/TGRS.2014.2357893. 

  83. Springer, A., Kusche, J., Hartung, K., Ohlwein, C., Longuevergne, L. (2014). New Estimates of Variations in Water Flux and Storage over Europe Based on Regional (Re)Analyses and Multisensor Observations. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 15, pp. 2397–2417, doi:10.1175/JHM-D-14-0050.1.

  84. Awange, J., Forootan, E., Kuhn, M., Kusche, J., Heck, B. (2014). Water storage changes and climate variability within the Nile Basin between 2002–2011. Advances in Water Resources, 73, pp. 1–15,

  85. Eicker, A., Kurtenbach, E., Kusche, J., Shabanloui, A. (2014). Comparison of Daily GRACE Solutions to GPS Station Height Movements. In: Flechtner, F., Sneeuw, Nico, Schuh, Wolf-Dieter (Hg.): Observation of the System Earth from Space - CHAMP, GRACE, GOCE and future missions. pp. 47–52,

  86. Eicker, A., Schumacher, M., Kusche, J., Döll, P., Müller Schmied, H. (2014). Calibration/Data Assimilation Approach for Integrating GRACE Data into the WaterGAP Global Hydrology Model (WGHM) Using an Ensemble Kalman Filter: First Results, Surveys in Geophysics, 35(6), pp. 1285–1309, doi:10.1007/s10712-014-9309-8.

  87. Elsaka, B., Raimondo, J.-C., Brieden, Ph., Reubelt, T., Kusche, J., Flechtner, F., Iran-Pour, S., Sneeuw, N. (2014). Comparing seven candidate mission configurations for temporal gravity field retrieval through full-scale numerical simulation. Journal of Geodesy, 88(1), pp. 31–43,

  88. Forootan, E., Didova, O., Schumacher, M., Kusche, J., Elsaka, B. (2014). Comparisons of atmospheric mass variations derived from ECMWF reanalysis and operational fields, over 2003 to 2011. Journal of Geodesy, 88(5), pp. 503–514,

  89. Forootan, E., Kusche, J., Loth, I., Schuh, W.-D., Eicker, A., Awange, J., Longuevergne, L., Diekkrueger, B., Schmidt, M. and Shum, C.K. (2014). Multivariate prediction of total water storage anomalies over West Africa from multi-satellite data. Surveys in Geophysics, 35(4), pp. 913–940, doi:10.1007/s10712-014-9292-0.

  90. Forootan, E., Rietbroek, R., Kusche, J., Sharifi, M.A, Awange, J., Schmidt, M., Omondi, Ph., Famiglietti, J. (2014). Separation of large scale water storage patterns over Iran using GRACE, altimetry and hydrological data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 140, pp. 580–595, doi:10.1016/j.rse.2013.09.025.

  91. Schall, J., Eicker, A., Kusche, J. (2014). The ITG-Goce02 gravity field model from GOCE orbit and gradiometer data based on the short arc approach. Journal of Geodesy, 88(4), pp. 403–409, doi:org/10.1007/s00190-014-0691-2.

  92. Schumacher, M., Eicker, A., Kusche, J., Müller Schmied, H., Döll, P. (2014). Covariance Analysis and Sensitivity Studies for GRACE Assimilation into WGHM. IAG Scientific Assembly Proceedings. pp. 241-247, doi:org/10.1007/1345_2015_119.

  93. Shabanloui, A., Schall, J., Eicker, A., Kusche, J. (2014). Global Gravity Field Models from Different GOCE Orbit Products In: Flechtner, F., Sneeuw, Nico, Schuh, Wolf-Dieter (Hg.): Observation of the System Earth from Space - CHAMP, GRACE, GOCE and future missions. pp. 103–108,

  94. Awange, J., Forootan, E, Kusche, J., Kiema, J.B.K, Omondi, P.A., Heck, B., Fleming, K, Ohanya, S.O., Goncalves, R.M. (2013). Understanding the decline of water storage across the Ramser-Lake Naivasha using satellite-based methods, Advances in Water Resources, 60, pp. 7–23,

  95. Eicker, A., Schall, J., Kusche, J. (2013). Regional gravity modelling from spaceborne data: case studies with GOCE. Geophys. J. Int., 196(3). pp. 1431–1440, doi:10.1093/gji/ggt485.

  96. Forootan, E., Didova, O., Kusche, J., Löcher, A. (2013). Comparisons of Atmospheric Data and Reduction Methods for the Analysis of Satellite Gravimetry Observations. Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 118(5), pp. 2382–2396, doi:10.1002/jgrb.50160.

  97. Jensen, L., Rietbroek, R., Kusche, J. (2013). Land water contribution to sea level from GRACE and Jason-1 measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans, 118(1), pp 212–226, doi:10.1002/jgrc.20058.

  98. Kusche, J., Bosch, W., Becker, M. (2013). Vermessung des globalen Wandels aus dem Weltraum: Meeresspiegel und Klima. Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, zfV 1/2013,

  99. aus der Beek, T., Menzel, L., Rietbroek, R., Fenoglio-Marc, L., Grayek, S., Becker, M., Kusche, J., Stanev, E. (2012). Modeling the water resources of the Black and Mediterranean Sea river basins and their impact on regional mass changes. Journal of Geodynamics, 59–60, pp. 157–167,

  100. Brunnabend, S.-E., Schröter, J., Timmermann, R., Rietbroek, R., Kusche, J. (2012). Modeled steric and mass-driven sea level change caused by Greenland Ice Sheet melting. Journal of Geodynamics, 59–60, pp. 219-225,

  101. Elsaka, B., Kusche, J., Ilk, K.-H. (2012). Recovery of the Earth's gravity field from formation-flying satellites: temporal aliasing issues. Advances in Space Research, 50(11), pp. 1534–1552,

  102. Fenoglio-Marc, L., Rietbroek, R., Grayek, S., Becker, M., Kusche, J., Stanev, E. (2012). Water mass variation in the Mediterranean and Black Seas. Journal of Geodynamics, 59-60, pp. 168–162,

  103. Forootan, E., Awange, J., Kusche, J., Heck, B., Eicker, A. (2012). Independent patterns of water mass anomalies over Australia from satellite data and models. Remote Sensing of Environment, 124, S. 427–443,

  104. Forootan, E., Kusche, J. (2012). Separation of global time-variable gravity signals into maximally independent components. Journal of Geodesy, 86(7), pp. 477–497,

  105. Forootan, E., Kusche, J. (2012). Separation of deterministic signals, using independent component analysis (ICA), Studia Geophysica et Geodetica, 57(1), pp. 17–26,

  106. Kurtenbach, E., Eicker, A., Mayer-Gürr, T., Holschneider, M., Hayn, M., Fuhrmann, M., Kusche, J. (2012). Improved daily gravity field solutions using a Kalman smoother. Journal of Geodynamics, 59-60, pp. 39-48,

  107. Rietbroek, R., Brunnabend, S.-E., Kusche, J., Schröter, J. (2012). Resolving sea level contributions by identifying fingerprints in time-variable gravity and altimetry. Journal of Geodynamics, 59-60, pp. 72–81,

  108. Rietbroek, R., Fritsche, M., Brunnabend, S,-E., Daras, I., Kusche, J., Schröter, J., Flechtner, F., Dietrich, R. (2012). Global surface mass from a new combination of GRACE, modelled OBP and reprocessed GPS data. Journal of Geodynamics, 59-60, pp. 64–71,

  109. Brunnabend, S.-E., Rietbroek, R., Timmermann, R., Schröter, J., Kusche, J. (2011). Improving mass redistribution estimates by modeling ocean bottom pressure uncertainties. Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans, 116(C8). doi:10.1029/2010JC006617.

  110. van der Wal, W., Kurtenbach, E., Kusche, J., Vermeersen, B. (2011). Radial and tangential gravity rates from GRACE in areas of glacial isostatic adjustment. In: Geophys. J. Int., 187(2), p. 797–812, doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.2011.05206.x.

  111. Einarsson, I., Höchner, A., Wang, R., Kusche, J. (2010). Gravity changes due to the Sumatra-Andaman and Nias earthquakes as detected by the GRACE satellites: a reexamination. In: Geophys. J. Int., 183(2), pp. 733–747, doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.2010.04756.x.

  112. Kusche, J. (2010). Time-variable gravity field and global deformation of the Earth. In: Freeden, Willi, Nashed, Zuhair, Sonar, Thomas (Hg.): Handbook of Geomathematics. pp. 253–268, doi:10.1007/978-3-642-01546-5_8.

  113. Kusche, J., Eicker, A., Bosch, W., Flechtner, F. (2010). Das DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm Massentransporte und Massenveteilungen im System Erde. Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, 4, pp. 247–255.

  114. Jansen, M., Gunter, B., Kusche, J. (2009). The impact of GRACE, GPS and OBP data on estimates of global mass redistribution.Geophys. J. Int., 177(1), pp. 1–13,

  115. Kusche, J., Schmidt, R., Petrovic, S., Rietbroek, R. (2009). Decorrelated GRACE time-variable gravity solutions by GFZ, and their validation using a hydrological model. Journal of Geodesy, 83(10), pp. 903–913,

  116. Rietbroek, R., Brunnabend, S.-E., Dahle, Ch., Kusche, J., Flechtner, F., Schröter, J., Timmermann, R. (2009). Changes in total ocean mass derived from GRACE, GPS, and ocean modeling with weekly resolution. Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans, 114(C11), doi:10.1029/2009JC005449.

  117. Steffen, H., Petrovic, S., Müller, J., Schmidt, R., Wünsch, J., Barthelmes, F., Kusche, J. (2009). Significance of secular trends of mass variations determined from GRACE solutions. Journal of Geodynamics, 48(3–5), pp. 157–165,

  118. Werth, S., Güntner, A., Schmidt, R., Kusche, J. (2009). Evaluation of GRACE filter tools from a hydrological perspective. Geophys. J. Int., 179(3), pp. 1499–1515, doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.2009.04355.x.

  119. Fenoglio-Marc, L., Kusche, J., Becker, M., Fukumori, I. (2008). Comments on “On the steric and mass-induced contributions to the annual sea level variations in the Mediterranean Sea“ by D. Garcia et al. Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans, 112(C12), doi:10.1029/2007JC004196.

  120. Flechtner, F., Neumayer, K.-H., Kusche, J., Schäfer, W., Sohl, F. (2008). Simulation study for the determination of the lunar gravity field from PRARE-L tracking onboard the German LEO mission. Advances in Space Research, 42(8), pp. 1405–1413.

  121. Schmidt, R., Flechtner, F., Meyer, U., Neumayer, K.-H., Dahle, Ch., König, R., Kusche, J. (2008). Hydrological signals observed by the GRACE satellite mission. Surveys in Geophysics, 29(4-5), pp. 319–334,

  122. Schmidt, R., Petrovic, S., Güntner, A., Barthelmes, F., Wünsch, J., Kusche, J. (2008). Periodic components of water storage changes from GRACE and global hydrology models. Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 113(B8), doi:10.1029/2007JB005363.

  123. Kusche, J., Schrama E.J.O., Jansen M.-W. (2007). Continental hydrology retrieval from GPS time series and GRACE gravity solutions, in Tregoning, Rizos (Eds.) Monitoring and understanding a dynamic planet with geodetic and oceanographic tools, Proceedings IAG Symposium, Springer.

  124. van Loon J., Kusche, J. (2007). Towards  an optimal combination  of satellite data and prior information, in Tregoning, Rizos (Eds.) Monitoring and understanding a dynamic planet with geodetic and oceano- graphic tools, Proceedings IAG Symposium, Springer.

  125. Baur O., Austen G., Kusche, J. (2007). Efficient GOCE satellite gravity field recovery based on LSQR, Journal of Geodesy, doi 10.1007/s00190-007-0171-z.
    Kusche, J. (2007). Approximate decorrelation and non-isotropic smoothing of time-variable GRACE-type gra- vity fields Journal of Geodesy, doi:10.1007/s00190-007-0143-3.

  126. Jansen M.-W., Kusche, J., Schrama E.J.O. (2007). Low-degree  load harmonic  coefficients  from combining GRACE, GPS time series and a-priori dynamics, Proceedings of the 1st Int. Symposium of the IGFS, Harita Dergisi, General Command of Mapping, 73(18) Istanbul.

  127. Baur O., Kusche, J. (2007). LSQR-based geopotential recovery, Proceedings of the 1st Int. Symposium of the IGFS, Harita Dergisi, General Command of Mapping, 73(18) Istanbul.

  128. Schmidt M., Kusche, J., Han S.-C., Shum C.K., Karslioglu M.O. (2007). Multi-resolution representation of the gravity field from satellite data based on wavelet expansions with time-dependent coefficients, Procee- dings of the 1st Int. Symposium of the IGFS, Harita Dergisi, General Command of Mapping, 73(18) Istanbul.

  129. Fenoglio-Marc, L., Kusche, J., Becker, M. (2006). Mass variation in the Mediterranean Sea from GRACE and its validation by altimetry, steric and hydrologic fields. Geophysical Research Letters, 33(19), doi:10.1029/2006GL026851.

  130. Schmidt, M., Fengler, M., Mayer-Gürr, T., Eicker, A., Kusche, J., Sanchez, L., Han, S.-C. (2006). Regional gravity modelling in terms of spherical base functions. Journal of Geodesy, 81(1), pp. 17–38,

  131. Schmidt, M., Han, S.-C., Kusche, J., Sanchez, L., Shum, C.K. (2006). Regional high-resolution spatiotemporal gravity modeling from GRACE data using spherical wavelets. Geophysical Research Letters, 33(8), doi:10.1029/2005GL025509.

  132. Sneeuw N., Kusche, J. (2006). Preface: Special Issue on Satellite Gravimetry and Inverse Problems, Journal of Geodesy, doi:10.1007/s00190-006-0119-8,  Special Issue on Satellite Gravity and Inverse Theory.

  133. Kusche, J., Schrama, E. (2005). Surface mass redistribution inversion from global GPS deformation and Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) gravity data. Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 110(B9), doi:10.1029/2004JB003556.

  134. Mayer-Gürr, T., Feuchtinger, M., Kusche, J. (2005). A Comparison of Various Procedures for Global Gravity Field Recovery from CHAMP Orbits. In: Reigber, Christoph, Lühr, H., Schwintzer, Peter, Wickert, J. (Hg.): Earth Observation with CHAMP - Results from Three Years in Orbit. pp. 151-156,

  135. Kusche, J., Schrama E.J.O. (2005). Mass  Redistribution  from global  GPS timeseries  and GRACE gravity fields: inversion issues, in Jekeli, Bastos, Fernandes (Eds.) Gravity, Geoid and Space Missions, IAG Symposia Vol 129, Springer.

  136. van Loon J., Kusche, J. (2005). Stochastic Model Validation of Satellite Gravity Data: A Test with CHAMP Pseudo-Observations,  in Jekeli,  Bastos,  Fernandes  (Eds.)  Gravity,  Geoid  and Space Missions,  IAG Symposia Vol 129, Springer.

  137. Schmidt M., Kusche, J., Shum C.K., Han S.-C., Fabert O., van Loon J. (2005). Multiresolution Representation of Regional Gravity Data, in Jekeli, Bastos, Fernandes (Eds.) Gravity, Geoid and Space Missions, IAG Symposia Vol 129, Springer.

  138. Koch K.-R., Kusche, J., Boxhammer  C., Gundlich B. (2004). Parallel  Gibbs  Sampling  for Computing  and Propagating large Covariance Matrices, Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen 12(1), 32–42.

  139. Grafarend E., Ihde J., Kusche, J., Boedecker G., Müller J., Schuh H., Heck B., Schuh W.-D., Wolf D. (2004). Bericht ¨uber die Geod¨atische Woche 2003 in Hamburg, Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen 129(1).

  140. Kusche,  J. (2004).  Estimating  Covariance  Parameters  in Gravity  Downward Continuation  Vth Hotine- Marussi  Symposium  on Mathematical  Geodesy, F. Sanso (Ed.), IAG Symposia  Vol 127, Springer.

  141. Klees, R., Ditmar, P., Kusche, J. (2004). Numerical Techniques for large least–squares  Problems with App- lications to GOCE, Vth Hotine-Marussi Symposium on Mathematical Geodesy, F. Sanso (Ed.), IAG Symposia Vol 127, Springer.

  142. Kusche, J., van Loon J. (2004). Statistical  Assessment  of CHAMP Data and Models using  the  Energy  Balance Approach, 2nd CHAMP Science Meeting, Potsdam, in Reigber, Lühr, Schwintzer (Eds.) Earth Observation with Champ.

  143. Fengler M, Freeden W., Kusche, J. (2004). Multiscale Geopotential Solutions from CHAMP Orbits and Accelerometry, 2nd CHAMP Science Meeting, Potsdam, in Reigber, Lühr, Schwintzer (Eds.) Earth Observation with Champ.

  144. Mayer–Gürr T., Feuchtinger M., Kusche, J. (2004). A Comparison of Various Procedures for Global Gravity Recovery from CHAMP Orbits, 2nd CHAMP Science Meeting, Potsdam, in Reigber, Lu¨hr, Schwintzer (Eds.) Earth Observation with Champ.

  145. Kusche, J. (2003). A Monte Carlo Technique for Weight Estimation in Satellite Geodesy, Journal of Geo- desy 76:641–652.

  146. Kusche, J. (2003). Noise Variance Estimation and Optimal Weight Determination for GOCE Gravity Reco- very, Advances in Geosciences 1:81–85.

  147. Ditmar, P., Kusche, J., Klees, R. (2003). Computation of Spherical Harmonic Coefficients from Gravity Gra- diometry  Data to be Acquired by the GOCE Satellite: Regularization  Issues, Journal of Geodesy,77(7–8):465–477.

  148. Gundlich, B., Koch, K.–R., Kusche, J. (2003). Gibbs Sampler  for Computing and Propagating  Large Covariance Matrices, Journal of Geodesy, 77(9):514–528.

  149. Kusche, J. (2002). Inverse Probleme bei der Gravitationsfeldbestimmung mittels SST– und SGG– Satelliten- missionen, Habilitation thesis, German Geodetic Commission, Series C, No. 548, Munich.

  150. Kusche, J. (2002). On fast Multigrid Iteration Techniques for the Solution of Normal Equations in Satellite Gravity Recovery, Journal of Geodynamics 33:173–186.

  151. Rudolph, S., Kusche, J., Ilk, K.H. (2002). The Polar Gap Problem in ESA’s Gravity Field and Steady–State Ocean Circulation Mission, Journal of Geodynamics 33:65–74.

  152. Ilk, K.H., Kusche, J., Rudolph, S. (2002). A Contribution to Data Combination in Ill–Posed Downward Con- tinuation Problems, Journal of Geodynamics 33:75–99.

  153. Koch, K.–R., Kusche, J. (2002). Regularization of Geopotential Determination from Satellite Data by Variance Components, Journal of Geodesy 76:259–268.

  154. Kusche,  J., Klees,  R. (2002). Regularization  of Gravity  Field  Estimation  from Satellite  Gravity  Gradients, Journal of Geodesy 76:359–368.

  155. Kusche, J., Mayer–Gürr, T. (2002). On the Iterative Solution of Ill–Conditioned Normal Equations by the Use of Lanczos Methods,  in: Adam, Schwarz: Vistas for Geodesy in the New Millenium, IAG Symposia Vol. 125, Springer, Berlin.

  156. Kusche, J., Klees, R. (2002). On the Regularization  Problem in Gravity Field Determination from Satellite Gradiometric Data, in: Adam, Schwarz: Vistas for Geodesy in the New Millenium, IAG Symposia Vol. 125, Springer, Berlin.

  157. Grafarend E., Krumm F., Kusche, J., Ilk K. H., Müller J., Schuh H., Heck B., Schuh W.-D., Wolf D. (2002). Bericht über die Geodätische Woche 2001 in Köln, Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen (127).

  158. Grafarend E., Krumm F., Kusche, J., Boedecker  G., Müller  J., Heck B., Mayer  M., Kutterer H.-J., Wolf D., Richter B., Becker M., Habrich H., Groten E. (2003) Bericht über die Geodätische Woche 2002 in Frankfurt, Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen (128).

  159. Rudolph, S., Kusche, J., Ilk, K.H. (2001). Investigations on The Polar Gap Problem in ESA’s Gravity Field and Steady–State  Ocean Circulation  Mission, in: Sideris: Gravity, Geoid and Geodynamics, un–reviewed proceedings.

  160. Kusche, J. (2001). Implementation of Multigrid Solvers for Satellite Gravity Anomaly Recovery, Journal of Geodesy 74:773–782.

  161. Kusche, J. (2001). Satellite  Gravity  Anomaly Recovery  using Multigrid  Methods, in: Sideris: Gravity,  Geoid and Geodynamics, IAG Symposia Vol. 123, Springer, Berlin.

  162. Kusche,  J., Rudolph, S., Feuchtinger,  M., Ilk, K.H. (2001). Gradiometric  Data Analysis  using  Icosahedral Grids, ESA–WPP–188 Proc. Int. GOCE User Workshop, Noordwijk.

  163. Kusche,  J., Klees,  R. (2001). On the  Regularization  Problem  in Gradiometric  Data Analysis  from GOCE, ESA–WPP–188 Proc. Int. GOCE User Workshop, Noordwijk.

  164. Kusche, J. (2000). The Role of Kinematic Methods in Geodesy, Berichte zur XXII. Generalversammlung der IUGG, Assoziation für Geodäsie, Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen (125).

  165. Kusche, J., Ilk, K.H., Rudolph, S. (2000). Impact of terrestrial data on future satellite gravity field solutions, in Rummel, Drewes, Bosch, Hornik: Towards an Integrated Global Geodetic Observing System (IGGOS), Proc. IAG Sec. II Symposium, IAG Symposia Vol. 120, Springer, Berlin.

  166. Kusche, J., Rudolph, S. (2000). The Multigrid Method for Satellite Gravity Field Recovery, in Schwarz: Geo- desy beyond year 2000, Proc. IAG Sc. Ass., IAG Symposia Vol. 121, Springer, Berlin.

  167. Kusche, J., Ilk, K.H., Rudolph, S. (1999). Two–step data analysis for future satellite gravity field solutions: A simulation study, Bolletino Geofisica Teoretica et Applicata 40:261–266.

  168. Kusche,  J. (1998). Regional  adaptive  Schwerefeldmodellierung  f¨ur  SST–Analysen,  in Freeden:  Progress  in Geodetic Science at GW 98, Aachen.

  169. Kusche, J., Ilk, K.H., Rudolph, S., Thalhammer, M. (1998). Application of Spherical Wavelets for Regional Gravity Field Recovery – A Comparative  Study, in Forsberg, Feissl, Dietrich: Geodesy on the Move, Proc. IAG Sc. Ass., IAG Symposia Vol. 119, Springer, Berlin.

  170. Kusche,  J. (1996). On AGV’s Navigation in 3–Dimensional Space, Journal of Geodesy 70:183–187.

  171. Kusche,  J. (1996). Relativistic  Modeling  for Geodetic  Experiments  in Local Spacetimes,  German  Geodetic Commission, Series A, No. 110, Munich.

  172. Kusche,  J. (1995). On Vehicle’s Kinematics in 3–Dimensional Space, in Linkwitz, Hangleiter: High Precision. Navigation, 3rd Int. Workshop SFB 228 in Stuttgart, Du¨mmler Verlag 1995.

  173. Kusche,  J. (1994). Anwendung von Übertragungsmodellen bei der Fahrzeugnavigation, Zeitschrift für Vermes- sungswesen (119).

  174. Kusche,  J. (1994). Ein Modell für die hochgenaue Navigation autonomer fl¨achenbeweglicher Fahrzeuge, PhD dissertation, German Geodetic Commission, Series C, No. 410, Munich.


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Jürgen Kusche


Nußallee 17

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