Dr.-Ing. Michael Bako
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Dr.-Ing. Michael Bako joined the Institute for Geodesy and Geoinformation (IGG), Astronomical, Physical and mathematical Geodesy Group at the University of Bonn, in 2021.
- M.Sc.
- B.Sc.
- Since 2021 Ph.D. student at the Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformation (Astronomical Physical and Mathematical Geodesy Group), University of Bonn.
- 2019 M.Sc. in Geomatics, Faculty of Environmental Design, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria.
- Since 2018 Academic Staff member at the Department of surveying and Geoinformatics, Federal University of Technology Minna, Nigeria.
- 2014 – 2017 Facility manager at Deroma Nigeria Limited, Abuja, Nigeria.
- 2013 – 2014 Survey Assistant and NYSC member at the Office of Surveyor General of the Federation(OSGOF), Department of Geodesy and Special Surveys, Abuja, Nigeria.
- 2013 B.Tech. in Surveying and Geoinformatics, School of Environmental Technology, Federal University of Techology Minna, Nigeria.
- Physical and Satellite Geodesy.
- Geoid and Sea-level Rise.
- 2013 – 2014 Establishment of Geodetic control across South South, South East, South West, North Central and North West region of Nigeria. Sponsored by the Office of Surveyor General of the Federation, Abuja.
- Jun. 2014 – Dec. 2014 Densification of Geodetic controls network for the development of Plateau state geographical information system. Sponsored by Plateau state government.
- Übung MGE-05 Geodetic Earth Observation
- Vertreter der Wissenschaftlichen MitarbeiterInnen in der Studienkommission
- Turbo-Preis des DVW NRW e.V.
Bako, M. and Kusche, J. (2024). Evaluation and homogenization of a marine gravity database from shipborne and satellite altimetry-derived gravity data over the coastal region of Nigeria. Journal of Applied Geodesy. https://doi.org/10.1515/jag-2024-0059.
Bako, M., Elsaka, B., Kusche, J., Fenoglio-Marc, L. (2024). Evaluation of GOCE/GRACE and combined global geopotential models using GNSS/levelling data over Nigeria. Stud Geophys Geod. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11200-023-0804-6.
Bako, M. and Kusche, J. (2023). Evaluating the gravity anomalies over Nigeria from global gravity field models using terrestrial gravity anomalies, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24-28 April 2023, EGU23-3952, http://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-3952.
Ibrahim A., Bako, M., Suleyman Z.A.T., Akintuyi O.B. (2023). Geospatial Approach to Route Optimisation for Security Architecture Improvement. Environmental Technology and Science Journal, Vol. 14 pp. 75-82. https://dx.doi.org/10.4314/etsj.v14i1.8.
Adeleke, A., Odumosu, J., Baba, M., Bako, M. (2023). Review on Depth Determination Bathymetry Using Remote Sensing Technique-Theoretical Appraisal, SETIC2023 International Conference “Sustainable Development and Resilience of the Built Environment in the Era of Pandemic", School of Environmental Technology, FUT, Minna, Nigeria, 6-8 Feb 2023. SETIC Book of Proceedings, pp. 107-114.
Bako, M., Elsaka, B., Kusche, J., and Fenoglio-Marc, L. (2023). Validating the Geoid Heights over Nigeria from Global Geopotential Models using ground-based GNSS/levelling Data, 2nd Symposium of IAG Commission 4 “Positioning and Applications”, Potsdam, Germany, 5–8 Sep 2022, iag-comm4-2022-53, https://doi.org/10.5194/iag-comm4-2022-53, 2022.
Bako, M., Zitta, N., Saliu, A.M., Ibrahim, A. (2020) Land Surface Topographic change detection using Remote sensing Techniques. Enviromental Technology and Science Journal, Volume 11 issue 2, pp 65-73.
Bako, M., Ojigi, L. M., Dodo, J. D. (2019) An Evaluation of Different GNSS Orbit Solutions for Precise Point Positioning in the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja. International Journal of Geoinformation and Earth Science,Vol.1, No.1, 2019.
Abdulkadir, I. F., Ahmed, B., Samaila–Ijah, H. A., Bako, M. (2019) Conventional Bathymetry Surveys and the use of Landsat 8 Satellite Imagery for Water Depth Measurements. In Proceedings of the National Association of Surveying and Geoinformatics Lecturer 2019 AGM and Conference, PP 488-502.
Bako, M., Abdulganiyu, O., Malik, A. (2016) Conflict between Nigeria Institution of Surveyors (NIS) and Surveyors Registration council of Nigeria (SURCON) and its Implictions to surveying and geoinformatics practice in Nigeria. A seminar paper presented at Department of Geomatics, Ahmadu Bello University, zaria, Nigeria.
Bako, M. (2013) Route- Realignment Survey of Bridge over Suleija Dam. Bachelor of Technology Thesis (B.Tech.), School of Environmental Technology, Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria.