Understanding Global Patterns of Sea Level Rise and Ocean Heat Redistribution.


01.03.2023 - 01.03.2027

Funding Agency

DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft)1


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Kusche2

Dr.-Ing. Bernd Uebbing3


The project C2 is part of the research unit (RU) “Algorithmic Data Analytics for Geodesy (AlgoForGe)” (DFG KI-FOR 5361, Project-Nr.: 459420781), which tries to solve the tasks of dealing with geometric objects (points, lines, polygons, trajectories, triangulations, geometric graphs) in order to solve problems of aggregation, simplification and clustering of geodetic datasets with state-of-the-art algorithms.

In part C2, we address questions that are fundamental to our understanding of climate change: What are the regional rates of sea level rise? How is regional sea level rise related to changes in sea level extremes and to changes in sea state? To what extent do satellite observations of the sea surface fit to modeling of ocean heat change (OHC)? Which patterns of heat redistribution can be derived from satellite observations? We explore the synergy in the RU to better exploit the vast archive of satellite data and ocean modeling. New and efficient methods for geometric representation and clustering data will be tailored to the problem.

Thus, within this RU, we decided to address four particular problems with novel AI-based methods: (1) Consistent analysis of radar echoes for sea surface height (SSH) and significant wave height (SWH), (2) Combining and analyzing SSH variability, (3) Reconstructing multi-decadal SSH with sparse data, and (4) inverting radar observations of SSH into OHC. These problems follow the analysis chain in sea level research, but they can be addressed independently. Read more-->4

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