Exploitation of SWOT for coastal and freshwater dynamics application (COSWOT)


01.07.2024  – 30.06.2027

Funding Agency

DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft)


PD Dr.-Ing.-habil. Luciana Fenoglio-Marc


Research area is high Resolution altimetry applied to coastal areas. This project will evaluate the benefits of water level measurements from the Surface Water and Ocean Topogra- phy (SWOT) mission in three coastal regions of interest which are Baltic Sea, Indonesia and Bay of Bengal. SWOT is a new and highly innovative mission with potential to improve the understanding of small-scale ocean pro- cesses and their role in coastal and inland flooding. The coastal-estuary-rivers continuum, where data from SWOT are of most value, is a challenging environment for the SWOT’s across-track interferometer instrument. COSWOT will develop methods to evaluate the SWOT and nadir-altimeters satellite mission and investigate small-scale processes in the transition zone from land to sea. First aim is to understand the novel SWOT observations. Second aim is to study the mesoscale and sub- mesoscale structures corresponding to coastal currents, fronts and mixed layer instabilities, estuary plumes, river runoff and river discharge. A stimulating international environment for the work is planned, with international network of collaborators and short exchanges and visits planned.


We are looking to fill a PhD position for this project, see Here

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