Before 2000


  1. Börger, K. (1999): A geocentric relativistic VLBI-Model. Proceedings of the 13th Working Meeting on European VLBI for Geodesy and Astrometry, Herausgeber: Hase, H. und Schlüter, W., Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie, Wettzell.

  2. Börger, K. (1999): Comparison of European network solutions. Proceedings of the 13th Working Meeting on European VLBI for Geodesy and Astrometry, Herausgeber: Hase, H. und Schlüter, W., Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie, Wettzell.

  3. Kusche, J., Ilk, K.H., Rudolph, S. (1999) Two–step data analysis for future satellite gravity field solutions: A simulation study, Bolletino Geofisica Teoretica et Applicata 40:261–266.


  1. Börger, K. (1998): Untersuchungen zur geozentrischen Modellbildung der relativistischen Langbasisinterferometrie. Mitteilungen aus den Geodätischen Instituten der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitat Bonn, Nr. 84.

  2. Kusche,  J. (1998) Regional  adaptive  Schwerefeldmodellierung  f¨ur  SST–Analysen,  in Freeden:  Progress  in Geodetic Science at GW 98, Aachen.

  3. Kusche, J., Ilk, K.H., Rudolph, S., Thalhammer, M. (1998) Application of Spherical Wavelets for Regional Gravity Field Recovery – A Comparative  Study, in Forsberg, Feissl, Dietrich: Geodesy on the Move, Proc. IAG Sc. Ass., IAG Symposia Vol. 119, Springer, Berlin.


  1. Ilk, K.-H. (1997) Satellitengeodäsie und Langbasis-Interferometrie auf der Fundamentalstation Wettzell, Kolloquiumsvorträge am 11. September 1995 in Wettzell anläßlich des 60sten Geburtstages von Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Manfred Schneider, DGK, Reihe B, Heft 305, Verlag des Instituts für Angewandte Geodäsie.

  2. Sneeuw, N., Ilk, K.-H. (1997) The status of space borne gravity field mission concepts, A comparative simulation study, in: Segawa, J., Fujimoto, H., Okubo, S. (eds.) Gravity, Geoid and Marine Geodesy, IAG Symposia, Vol. 117, pp 171-178, Springer Verlag, ISBN (Print) 978-3-540-63352-5.


  1. Börger, K. (1996): Determination of Metric Coecients with VLBI. Proceedings of the 11th Working Meeting on European VLBI for Geodesy and Astrometry, Chalmers University of Technology, Research Report No. 177, Gothenburg, Sweden.

  2. Kusche,  J. (1996) On AGV’s Navigation in 3–Dimensional Space, Journal of Geodesy 70:183–187.

  3. Kusche,  J. (1996) Relativistic  Modeling  for Geodetic  Experiments  in Local Spacetimes,  German Geodetic Commission, Series A, No. 110, Munich.


  1. Kusche,  J. (1995) On Vehicle’s Kinematics in 3–Dimensional Space, in Linkwitz, Hangleiter: High Precision. Navigation, 3rd Int. Workshop SFB 228 in Stuttgart, Du¨mmler Verlag 1995.

  2. Ilk, K.-H. (1995) Regularization for High Resolution Gravity Field Recovery by Future Satellite Techniques, in: Anger, G. (eds.) Inverse Problems: Principles and Applications in Geophysics, Technology and Medicine. Mathematical Research, Vol. 74, pp 189-214, Akademie-Verlag.

  3. Rummel, R., Ilk, K.-H. (1995) Height datum connection - the ocean part, in: Schlemmer, H. (eds.) AVN - Allgemeine Vermessungs-Nachrichten, Vol. 102, Nr. 8-9, pp 321-330, Herbert Wichmann Verlag.

  4. Thalhammer, M., Ricard, Y., le Stunff, Y., Rummel, R., Ilk, K.-H. (1996) Application of spaceborne gravimetry to research on the interior of the Earth, CIGAR IV, Final Report 1996, ESTEC/JP/95-4-137/MS/nr, pp 1-68, ESTEC.

  5. Thalhammer, M., Ilk, K.-H. (1995) Measurement of the earth's gravitational field, Time and frequency utilization study, Workpackage 1: "Time and frequency for earth observation", ESA contract 1374/94/NL/VK, ESA, 1995.

  6. Thalhammer, M., Rummel, R., Ilk, K.-H. (1995) Refined method for the regional recovery from GPS-SST and SGG, Study of the gravity field determination using gradiometry and GPS, Final Report, ESA contract 10713/93/F/FL, Workpackage 222, ESA.


  1. Kusche,  J. (1994) Anwendung von Übertragungsmodellen bei der Fahrzeugnavigation, Zeitschrift für Vermes- sungswesen (119).

  2. Kusche,  J. (1994) Ein Modell für die hochgenaue Navigation autonomer flächenbeweglicher Fahrzeuge, PhD dissertation, German Geodetic Commission, Series C, No. 410, Munich.

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