
2000 – 2010


  1. Börger, K. (2010) Modern Military Geodesy. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Military Geosciences 2009, Vienna.

  2. Börger, K. et al. (2010) Space-Time Reference-Systems for Monitoring Global Change and for Precise Navigation. Mitteilungen des Bundesamtes für Kartographie und Geodäsie, Band 44.

  3. Eicker, A., Mayer-Gürr, T., Ilk, K.-H., Kurtenbach, E., Flechtner, F., Gruber, T., Günter, A., Mandea, M., Rothacher, M, Schöne, T., Wickert, J. (2010) Regionallly refined gravity field models from in-situ satellite data. System Earth via geodetic-geophysical space techniques. Springer Techniques, pp. 255 - 264,

  4. Einarsson, I., Höchner, A., Wang, R., Kusche, J. (2010) Gravity changes due to the Sumatra-Andaman and Nias earthquakes as detected by the GRACE satellites: a reexamination. In: Geophys. J. Int., 183(2), pp. 733–747, doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.2010.04756.x.

  5. Jansen, M., Gunter, B., Rietbroek, R., Dahle, Ch., Kusche, J.,,Flechtner, F., Brunnabend S.-E., Schröter, J. (2010) Estimating submonthly global mass transport signals using GRACE, GPS and OBP data sets. In Proc. of the IAG International Symposium on Gravity, Geoid and Earth Observation, Ed. S. Mertikas, Chania,Crete. Springer.

  6. Kusche, J. (2010) Time-variable gravity field and global deformation of the Earth. In: Freeden, Willi, Nashed, Zuhair, Sonar, Thomas (Hg.): Handbook of Geomathematics. pp. 253–268, doi:10.1007/978-3-642-01546-5_8.

  7. Kusche, J., Eicker, A., Bosch, W., Flechtner, F. (2010) Das DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm Massentransporte und Massenveteilungen im System Erde. Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, 4, pp. 247–255.

  8. Mayer-Gürr, T., Eicker, A., Kurtenbach, E., Ilk, K.-H (2010) ITG-GRACE: Global Static and Temporal Gravity Field Models from GRACE Data. In: Flechtner F. et al. (eds) System Earth via Geodetic-Geophysical Space Techniques. Advanced Technologies in Earth Sciences (2190-1643). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 159 - 168,

  9. Nothnagel, A., Angermann, D., Börger, K., Dietrich, R., Drewes, H., Görres, B., Hugentobler, U., Ihde, J., Müller, J., Oberst, J., Pätzold, M., Richter, B., Rothacher, M., Schreiber, U., Schuh, H., Soffel, M. (2010) Space-Time Reference-Systems for Monitoring Global Change and for Precise Navigation, Mitteilungen des Bundesamtes für Kartographie und Geodäsie, Band 44, Frankfurt a.M.

  10. Pail, R., Goiginger, H., Schuh, W.-D., Hock, E., Brockmann, J.-M., Fecher, T., Gruber, T., Mayer-Gürr, T., Kusche, J., Jäggi, A., Rieser, D. (2010). Combined satellite gravity field model GOCO01S derived from GOCE and GRACE. Geophysical Reasearch Letters 37(L20314), pp. 5 - 10, doi.10.1029/2010GL044906.

  11. Petrovic, S., Braun, R., Berthelmes, F., Wünsch, J., Kusche., J., Hengst, R. (2010) Surface mass variability from GR/CE and hydrological models: Characteristic periods and the reconstruction of significant signals. System Earth via geodetic-geophysical space techniques. Springer 2010, pp. 377 - 386, doi.10.1007/978-3-642-10228-8.

  12. Shako, R., Förste, C., Abrikosov, O., Kusche, J. (2010) GOCE and its use for a high-resolution global gravity combination model. In: Flechtner F. et al. (eds) System Earth via Geodetic-Geophysical Space Techniques. Advanced Technologies in Earth Sciences (2190-1643). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 231 - 242,

  13. Winkelmann, D., Jokat, W., Jensen, L., Schenke, H. W. (2010) Submarine end moraines on the continental shelf off NE Greenland - Implications for late glacial dynamics. Quaternary Science Reviews, 29(9-10), pp. 1069 - 1077,


  1. Bosch, W., Savcenko, R., Flechtner, F., Dahle, Ch., Mayer-Gürr, T., Stammer, D., Taguchi E., Ilk, K.-H. (2009) Residual ocean tide signals from satellite altimetry, GRACE gravity fields, and hydrodynamic modelling. Geophysical Journal International, 178(3), pp. 1185-1192, doi.10.1111/j.1365-246X.2009.04281.x.

  2. Jansen, M. J. F., Gunter, B. C., Kusche, J. (2009) The impact of GRACE, GPS and OBP data on estimates of global mass redistribution. Geophysical Journal International, 177(8), pp. 1-13, doi.10.1111/j.1365-246X.2008.04031.x.

  3. Kurtenbach, E., Mayer-Gürr, T. and A. Eicker (2009) Deriving daily snapshots of the Earth's gravity field from GRACE L1B data using Kalman filtering. Geophysical Research Letters,36(17), doi.10.1029/2009GL039564.

  4. Kusche, J., Schmidt, R., Petrovic, S., Rietbroek, R. (2009) Decorrelated GRACE time-variable gravity solutions by GFZ, and their validation using a hydrological model. Journal of Geodesy, 83(10), pp. 903–913,

  5. Rietbroek, R., Brunnabend, S.-E., Dahle, Ch., Kusche, J., Flechtner, F., Schröter, J., Timmermann, R. (2009) Changes in total ocean mass derived from GRACE, GPS, and ocean modeling with weekly resolution. Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans, 114(C11), doi.10.1029/2009JC005449.

  6. Steffen, H., Petrovic, S., Müller, J., Schmidt, R., Wünsch, J., Barthelmes, F., Kusche, J. (2009) Significance of secular trends of mass variations determined from GRACE solutions. Journal of Geodynamics, 48(3–5), pp. 157–165,

  7. Werth S., Güntner A., Schmidt R., Kusche J. (2009) Evaluation of GRACE filter tools from a hydrological perspective. Geophysical Journal International, 179(3), pp. 1499-1515, doi.10.1111/j.1365-246X.2009.04355.x.


  1. Baur, O., Austen, G., Kusche, J. (2008) Efficient GOCE satellite gravity field recovery based on least-squares using QR decomposition. Journal of Geodesy, 82, 4-5, 207-221, 

  2. Börger, K. (2008): Time in Space Geodetic Methods. Zeitschrift "Allgemeine Vermessungsnachrichten (AVN)", Heft 1. 

  3. Börger, K., Gasper, S., Lickfett, B., Tournay, K. (2008): Auswirkung von Storungen auf die Navigation mit GPS. Zeitschrift "Allgemeine Vermessungsnachrichten (AVN)", Heft 10.

  4. Eicker, A., Mayer-Gürr, T. Ilk, K.H. (2008) Improved resolution of a GRACE gravity field model by regional refinements. In: Sideris M.G. (eds) Observing our Changing Earth. International Association of Geodesy Symposia, 133. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg,

  5. Fenoglio-Marc, L., Kusche, J., Becker, M., Fukumori, I. (2008) Comments on “On the steric and mass-induced contributions to the annual sea level variations in the Mediterranean Sea“ by D. Garcia et al. Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans, 112(C12), doi:10.1029/2007JC004196.

  6. Flechtner, F., Neumayer, K.-H., Kusche, J., Schäfer, W., Sohl, F. (2008) Simulation study for the determination of the lunar gravity field from PRARE-L tracking onboard the German LEO mission. Advances in Space Research, 42(8), pp. 1405–1413.

  7. Gundlich B., Kusche J. (2008) Monte Carlo Integration for Quasi–linear Models. In: Xu P., Liu J., Dermanis A. (eds) VI Hotine-Marussi Symposium on Theoretical and Computational Geodesy. International Association of Geodesy Symposia, 132. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp.337-344,

  8. Ilk, K.-H., Löcher, A., Mayer-Gürr, T. (2008) Do we need new gravity field recovery techniques for the new gravity field satellites?. In: Xu, Peiliang, Liu, Jingnan, Dermanis, Athanasios (Hg.): VI Hotine-Marussi Symposium on Theoretical and Computational Geodesy. pp. 3–9,

  9. Koch K.-R., Kusche J. (2008) Comments on Xu et al (2006) “Variance component estimation in linear inverse ill-posed models, J. Geod. 80(1):69-81“. Journal of Geodesy, 81(9):629-631,

  10. Müller, F., Mayer-Gürr, T., Makhloof, A. (2008) Downward continuation of airborne gravimetry and gradiometry data using space-localizing spline functions. In: Sideris M.G. (eds) Observing our Changing Earth. International Association of Geodesy Symposia, 133. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 143-153,

  11. Schmidt, R., Petrovic, S., Güntner, A., Barthelmes, F., Wünsch, J., Kusche, J. (2008) Periodic components of water storage changes from GRACE and global hydrology models. Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 113(B8), doi:10.1029/2007JB005363.

  12. Schmidt, R., Flechtner, F., Meyer, U., Neumayer, K.-H., Dahle, Ch., König, R., Kusche, J. (2008) Hydrological signals observed by the GRACE satellite mission. Surveys in Geophysics, 29(4-5), pp. 319–334,


  1. Börger, K. (2007) Geodäsie und Quantenphysik. Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Geodäsie und Geoinformation, Heft 1, Bonn.

  2. Bludovsky, S., Börger, K., Richter, J. (2007): Die GNSS-Referenz- und Monitorstation des AGeoBw. Zeitschrift "Strategie und Technik". 

  3. Börger, K., Henke, F. (2007): Zum Einfluss der Ionosphare auf die Positionsbestimmung mit Hilfe von GPS-Satelliten. Zeitschrift "Strategie und Technik".

  4. Baur O., Kusche, J. (2007) LSQR-based geopotential recovery, Proceedings of the 1st Int. Symposium of the IGFS, Harita Dergisi, General Command of Mapping, 73(18) Istanbul. 

  5. Ilk, K.H., Rothacher, M., Dow, J. (2007) Satellite Orbit modelling. J. Müller, H. Hornik: National Report 2007: XXIV General Assembly of the International Union for Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), DGK b. d. Bayer. Akad. D. Wiss., Reihe B Angewandte Geodäsie, Heft 315, München.

  6. Ilk K.H., Eicker A., Mayer-Gürr T. (2007) Global gravity field recovery by merging regional focusing patches: an integrated approach. In: Tregoning P., Rizos C. (eds) Dynamic Planet. International Association of Geodesy Symposia, 130. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg,

  7. Kusche, J. (2007) Approximate decorrelation and non-isotropic smoothing of time-variable GRACE-type gravity fields Journal of Geodesy, doi:10.1007/s00190-007-0143-3.

  8. Löcher A., Ilk K.H. (2007) A Validation Procedure for Satellite Orbits and Force Function Models Based on a New Balance Equation Approach. In: Tregoning P., Rizos C. (eds) Dynamic Planet. International Association of Geodesy Symposia, 130. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 280-287,

  9. Makhloof, A., Ilk, K.H.(2007) Effects of topographic-isostatic masses on gravitational functionals at the surface of the Earth, at airborne and satellite altitudes. Journal of Geodesy, 82(2), pp. 93-111,

  10. Makhloof, A., Ilk, K.H.(2007) Far-zone effects for different topographic-compensation models based on a spherical harmonic expansion of the topography. Journal of Geodesy, 82(10), pp. 613–635,

  11. Makhloof, A., Müller, F., Ilk, K.H. (2007) A comparison of different methods for determining the topographic-condensation mass effects at airborne altitude. Proceedings Symposium of the 1st International Symposium of the International Gravity Field Service (IGFS2006), Harita Dergisi 18, 449-454, Istanbul.

  12. Schmidt M., Kusche, J., Han S.-C., Shum C.K., Karslioglu M.O. (2007) Multi-resolution representation of the gravity field from satellite data based on wavelet expansions with time-dependent coefficients, Proceedings of the 1st Int. Symposium of the IGFS, Harita Dergisi, General Command of Mapping, 73(18) Istanbul.

  13. Schmidt, M., Fengler, M., Mayer-Gürr, T., Eicker, A., Kusche, J., Sanchez, L., Han, S.C. (2007) Regional Gravity Field Modelling in terms of Spherical Base Functions. Journal of Geodesy, 81(1), pp 17–38, 

  14. van Loon J., Kusche, J. (2007) Towards  an optimal combination  of satellite data and prior information, in Tregoning, Rizos (Eds.) Monitoring and understanding a dynamic planet with geodetic and oceano- graphic tools, Proceedings IAG Symposium, Springer.


  1. Eicker, A., Mayer-Gürr, T., Ilk, K.H. (2006) An Integrated Global/Regional Gravity Field Determination Approach based on GOCE Observations. In: Flury J., Rummel R., Reigber C., Rothacher M., Boedecker G., Schreiber U. (eds) Observation of the Earth System from Space. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 225-237,

  2. Fenoglio-Marc, L., Kusche, J., Becker, M. (2006) Mass variation in the Mediterranean Sea from GRACE and its validation by altimetry, steric and hydrologic fields. Geophysical Research Letters, 33(19), doi:10.1029/2006GL026851.

  3. Mayer-Gürr, T., Eicker, A., Ilk, K.H. (2006) ITG-Grace02s: a GRACE gravity field derived from short arcs of the satellite's orbit. Proceedings Symposium of the 1st International Symposium of the International Gravity Field Service (IGFS2006), Harita Dergisi 18, 193-198, Istanbul.

  4. Mayer-Gürr, T., Eicker, A., Ilk, K.H. (2006) Gravity Field Recovery from GRACE-SST Data of Short Arcs. In: Flury J., Rummel R., Reigber C., Rothacher M., Boedecker G., Schreiber U. (eds) Observation of the Earth System from Space. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg,  pp. 131-148,

  5. Schmidt, M., Fengler, M., Mayer-Gürr, T., Eicker, A., Kusche, J., Sanchez, L., Han, S.-C. (2006) Regional gravity modelling in terms of spherical base functions. Journal of Geodesy, 81(1), pp. 17–38,

  6. Schmidt, M., Han, S.-C., Kusche, J., Sanchez, L., Shum, C.K. (2006) Regional high-resolution spatiotemporal gravity modeling from GRACE data using spherical wavelets. Geophysical Research Letters, 33(8), doi:10.1029/2005GL025509.

  7. Sneeuw N., Kusche, J. (2006) Preface: Special Issue on Satellite Gravimetry and Inverse Problems, Journal of Geodesy,  doi:10.1007/s00190-006-0119-8,  Special Issue on Satellite Gravity and Inverse Theory.


  1. Börger, K. (2005): Zur Theorie und Praxis herkommlicher Casiumatomuhren. Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, 130. Jg., Heft 1.

  2. Börger, K. (2005): Hochgenaue Zeitbestimmung mit Cäsiumfontänen. Zeitschrift "Allgemeine Vermessungsnachrichten (AVN)", Heft 2.

  3. Börger, K. (2005): Introduction into atom interferometric gravity measurements. Nordic Journal of Surveying and Real Estate Research (NJSR), volume 2, number 2.

  4. Eicker A., Mayer-Guerr T., Ilk K. (2005) Global Gravity Field Solutions Based on a Simulation Scenario of GRACE SST Data and Regional Refinements by GOCE SGG Observations. In: Jekeli C., Bastos L., Fernandes J. (eds) Gravity, Geoid and Space Missions. International Association of Geodesy Symposia, vol 129. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg,  pp 66-71,

  5. Ilk, K.H. (2005) Satellite Gravity and Altimetry Missions for the Detection of Mass Distributions and Mass Transports in the Earth System: an Emerging Research Field. Proceedings The 3rd Minia International Conference for Advanced Trends in Engineering (MICATE 2005), El-Minia, Egypt, April 3-5.

  6. Ilk, K.H., Flury, J., Rummel, R., Schwintzer, P., Bosch, W., Haas, C., Schröter, J., Stammer, D., Zahel, W., Miller, H., Dietrich, R., Huybrechts, P., Schmeling, H., Wolf, D., Riegger, J., Bardossy, A., Güntner, A. (2005) Mass Transport and Mass Distribution in the Earth System - Contribution of the New Generation of Satellite Gravity and Altimetry Missions to Geosciences. Proposal for a German Priority Research Program, GOCE-Projektbüro Deutschland, Technische Universität München, GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam, Second Edition, January 2005.

  7. Ilk, K.H., Mayer-Gürr, T., Feuchtinger, M. (2005) Gravity Field Recovery by Analysis of Short Arcs of CHAMP. In: Reigber C., Lühr H., Schwintzer P., Wickert J. (eds) Earth Observation with CHAMP. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 127-132,

  8. Kis, K. I., Taylor, P. T., Wittmann, G., Hyung Rae Kim, Toronyi, B., Mayer-Gürr, T. (2005) Bayesian inference in satellite gravity inversion. Journal Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica Hungarica, 40(2), pp. 161-170,

  9. Kusche, J., Schrama, E. (2005) Surface mass redistribution inversion from global GPS deformation and Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) gravity data. Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 110(B9), doi:10.1029/2004JB003556.

  10. Kusche, J., Schrama E. (2005) Mass  Redistribution  from global  GPS timeseries  and GRACE gravity fields: inversion issues, in Jekeli, Bastos, Fernandes (Eds.) Gravity, Geoid and Space Missions, IAG Symposia, 129, Springer.

  11. Löcher A., Ilk K.H. (2005) Energy Balance Relations for Validation of Gravity Field Models and Orbit Determinations Applied to the CHAMP Mission. In: Reigber C., Lühr H., Schwintzer P., Wickert J. (eds) Earth Observation with CHAMP. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 53-58,

  12. Makhloof, A., Ilk, K.H. (2005) Far-zone Topography Effects on Gravity and Geoid Heights According to Helmert\'s Methods of Condensation and Based on Airy-Heiskanen Model. Proceedings The 3rd Minia International Conference for Advanced Trends in Engineering (MICATE 2005), El-Minia, Egypt, April 3-5.

  13. Mayer-Guerr T., Feuchtinger M., Kusche J. (2005) A Comparison of Various Procedures for Global Gravity Field Recovery from CHAMP Orbits. In: Reigber C., Lühr H., Schwintzer P., Wickert J. (eds) Earth Observation with CHAMP. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 151-156,

  14. Mayer-Gürr, T., Ilk, K.H., Eicker, A., Feuchtinger, M. (2005) ITG-CHAMP01: A CHAMP Gravity Field Model from Short Kinematical Arcs of a One-Year Observation Period. Journal of Geodesy, 78(7–8), pp 462–480,

  15. Mueller F., Mayer-Guerr T. (2005) Comparison of Downward Continuation Methods of Airborne Gravimetry Data. In: Sansò F. (eds) A Window on the Future of Geodesy. International Association of Geodesy Symposia, vol 128. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 254-258,

  16. Schmidt M., Kusche, J., Shum C.K., Han S.-C., Fabert O., van Loon J. (2005) Multiresolution Representation of Regional Gravity Data, in Jekeli, Bastos, Fernandes (Eds.) Gravity, Geoid and Space Missions, IAG Symposia, 129, Springer.

  17. van Loon J., Kusche, J. (2005) Stochastic Model Validation of Satellite Gravity Data: A Test with CHAMP Pseudo-Observations,  in Jekeli,  Bastos,  Fernandes  (Eds.)  Gravity,  Geoid  and Space Missions,  IAG Symposia, 129, Springer.


  1. Eicker, A., Mayer-Gürr, T., Ilk, K.H. (2004) A Global CHAMP Gravity Field by Merging of Regional Refinement Patches. New Satellite Mission Results for the Geopotential Fields und Their Variations, Proceedings Joint CHAMP/GRACE Science Meeting, GFZ Potsdam, July 6-8.

  2. Fengler M, Freeden W., Kusche, J. (2004) Multiscale Geopotential Solutions from CHAMP Orbits and Acce- lerometry, 2nd CHAMP Science Meeting, Potsdam, in Reigber, Lu¨hr, Schwintzer (Eds.) Earth Obser- vation with Champ.

  3. Grafarend E., Ihde J., Kusche, J., Boedecker G., Müller J., Schuh H., Heck B., Schuh W.-D., Wolf D. (2004) Bericht über die Geodätische Woche 2003 in Hamburg, Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen 129(1).

  4. Ilk, K.H., Mayer-Gürr, T., Eicker, A., Feuchtinger, M. (2004) The Regional Refinement of Global Gravity Field Models from Kinematical Orbits. New Satellite Mission Results for the Geopotential Fields und Their Variations, Proceedings Joint CHAMP/GRACE Science Meeting, GFZ Potsdam, July 6-8.

  5. Klees, R., Ditmar, P., Kusche, J. (2004) Numerical Techniques for large least–squares  Problems with App- lications to GOCE, Vth Hotine-Marussi Symposium on Mathematical Geodesy, F. Sanso (Ed.), IAG Symposia Vol 127, Springer.

  6. Koch K.-R.,  Kusche, J., Boxhammer  C., Gundlich B. (2004) Parallel  Gibbs  Sampling  for Computing  and Propagating large Covariance Matrices, Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen 12(1), 32–42.

  7. Kusche,  J. (2004)  Estimating  Covariance  Parameters  in Gravity  Downward Continuation  Vth Hotine- Marussi  Symposium  on Mathematical  Geodesy, F. Sanso (Ed.), IAG Symposia  Vol 127, Springer.

  8. Kusche, J., van Loon J. (2004) Statistical  Assessment  of CHAMP Data and Models using  the  Energy  Ba- lance Approach, 2nd CHAMP Science Meeting, Potsdam, in Reigber, Lu¨hr, Schwintzer (Eds.) Earth Observation with Champ. New Satellite Mission Results for the Geopotential Fields und Their Variations, Proceedings Joint CHAMP/GRACE Science Meeting, GFZ Potsdam, July 6-8.

  9. Mayer-Gürr, T., Ilk, K.H., Eicker, A. (2004) ITG-CHAMP02: An Improved Gravity Field Model from a Two-Year Observation Period. New Satellite Mission Results for the Geopotential Fields und Their Variations, Proceedings Joint CHAMP/GRACE Science Meeting, GFZ Potsdam, July 6-8.

  10. Mayer-Gürr, T., Ilk, K.H., Feuchtinger, M., Eicker, A.. (2004) Global and Regional Gravity Field Solutions from GRACE Observations. New Satellite Mission Results for the Geopotential Fields und Their Variations, Proceedings Joint CHAMP/GRACE Science Meeting, GFZ Potsdam, July 6-8.


  1. Börger, K. (2003): Erdrotationsbestimmung mittels Quanteninterferometrie. Zeitschrift "Allgemeine Vermessungnachrichten (AVN)", Heft 6.

  2. Ditmar, P., Kusche, J., Klees, R. (2003) Computation of Spherical Harmonic Coefficients from Gravity Gra- diometry  Data to be Acquired by the GOCE Satellite: Regularization  Issues, Journal of Geodesy,77(7–8):465–477.

  3. Grafarend E., Krumm F., Kusche, J., Boedecker  G., Müller  J., Heck B., Mayer  M., Kutterer H.-J., Wolf D., Richter B., Becker M., Habrich H., Groten E. (2003) Bericht u¨ber die Geodätische Woche 2002 in Frankfurt, Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen (128).

  4. Gundlich, B., Koch, K.–R., Kusche, J. (2003) Gibbs Sampler  for Computing and Propagating  Large Covariance Matrices, Journal of Geodesy, 77(9):514–528.

  5. Ilk, K.H., Feuchtinger, M., Mayer-Gürr, T. (2003) Gravity Field Recovery and Validation by Analysis of Short Arcs of a Satellite-to-Satellite Tracking Experiment as CHAMP and GRACE. In: Sansò F. (eds) A Window on the Future of Geodesy. International Association of Geodesy Symposia, vol 128. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp.189-194,

  6. Kusche, J. (2003) A Monte Carlo Technique for Weight Estimation in Satellite Geodesy, Journal of Geo- desy 76:641–652.

  7. Kusche, J. (2003) Noise Variance Estimation and Optimal Weight Determination for GOCE Gravity Reco- very, Advances in Geosciences 1:81–85.

  8. Mayer-Gürr, T., Ilk, K.H., Eicker, A. (2003) Regional Gravity Field Recovery From GOCE Gradiometer Measurements and SST-High-Low Observations - A Simulation Study. Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on International Gravity Field Research, May 8-9, 2003, Graz, Austria.

  9. Mayer-Gürr, T., Ilk, K.H., Löcher, A., Feuchtinger, M. (2003) Gravity Field Recovery and Validation by Analysis of Short Arcs of CHAMP. Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on International Gravity Field Research, May 8-9, 2003, Graz, Austria.

  10. Müller, F. (2003) Comparison of Different Downward Continuation Methods of Airborne Gravimetry Data. Proceedings of the IAG Symposium G04, IUGG General Assembly 2003, Sapporo, Japan.


  1. Börger, K. (2002): Moderne Metechnik auf Quantenbasis. In: Mitteilungen aus den Geodätischen Instituten der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitat Bonn, Nr. 89. 

  2. Börger, K. (2002): A geocentric relativistic approach for modelling the delay of the geodetic VLBI. Zeitschrift "Allgemeine Vermessungsnachrichten (AVN)", Heft 5.

  3. Börger, K., Reifenrath, P. (Hrsg.) (2002): Anwendungen von SAPOS im Kataster. Bezirksregierung Köln.

  4. Kusche, J. (2002) Inverse Probleme bei der Gravitationsfeldbestimmung mittels SST– und SGG– Satelliten- missionen, Habilitation thesis, German Geodetic Commission, Series C, No. 548, Munich.

  5. Kusche, J. (2002) On fast Multigrid Iteration Techniques for the Solution of Normal Equations in Satellite Gravity Recovery, Journal of Geodynamics 33:173–186.

  6. Rudolph, S., Kusche, J., Ilk, K.H. (2002) The Polar Gap Problem in ESA’s Gravity Field and Steady–State Ocean Circulation Mission, Journal of Geodynamics 33:65–74.

  7. Ilk, K.H., Kusche, J.,Rudolph, S. (2002) A Contribution to Data Combination in Ill–Posed Downward Con- tinuation Problems, Journal of Geodynamics 33:75–99.

  8. Koch, K.–R., Kusche, J. (2002) Regularization of Geopotential Determination from Satellite Data by Variance Components, Journal of Geodesy 76:259–268.

  9. Kusche,  J., Klees,  R. (2002) Regularization  of Gravity  Field  Estimation  from Satellite  Gravity  Gradients, Journal of Geodesy 76:359–368. 

  10. Kusche, J., Mayer-Gürr, T. (2002) On the Iterative Solution of Ill-Conditioned Normal Equations by the Use of Lanczos Methods. In: Adam, J., Schwarz, K.P. (Hg.): Vistas for Geodesy in the New Millennium. pp. 248-252,

  11. Kusche, J., Klees, R. (2002) On the Regularization  Problem in Gravity Field Determination from Satellite Gradiometric Data, in: Adam, Schwarz: Vistas for Geodesy in the New Millenium, IAG Symposia Vol. 125, Springer, Berlin.

  12. Grafarend E., Krumm F., Kusche, J., Ilk K. H., Müller J., Schuh H., Heck B., Schuh W.-D., Wolf D. (2002) Bericht über die Geodätische Woche 2001 in K¨oln, Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen (127).


  1. Börger, K. (2001): Das Quantendynamometer - Ein Beispiel zur geodätischen Nutzung der Schrödingergleichung. Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, 126. Jg., Heft 6.

  2. Börger, K., Borowski, T., Diefenbach, F., Rutz, H. (2001): Flächenmanagement und Bodenordnung in intereuropäischer Kooperation, Zeitschrift "Flächenmanagement und Bodenordnung", 63. Jg., Heft 5.

  3. Rudolph, S., Kusche, J, Ilk, K.H. (2001) Investigations on The Polar Gap Problem in ESA’s Gravity Field and Steady–State  Ocean Circulation  Mission, in: Sideris: Gravity, Geoid and Geodynamics, un–reviewed proceedings.

  4. Kusche, J. (2001) Implementation of Multigrid Solvers for Satellite Gravity Anomaly Recovery, Journal of Geodesy 74:773–782.

  5. Kusche, J. (2001) Satellite Gravity  Anomaly Recovery  using Multigrid  Methods, in: Sideris: Gravity,  Geoid and Geodynamics, IAG Symposia Vol. 123, Springer, Berlin.

  6. Kusche,  J., Rudolph, S., Feuchtinger,  M., Ilk, K.H. (2001) Gradiometric  Data Analysis  using  Icosahedral Grids, ESA–WPP–188 Proc. Int. GOCE User Workshop, Noordwijk.

  7. Kusche,  J., Klees,  R. (2001) On the  Regularization  Problem  in Gradiometric  Data Analysis  from GOCE, ESA–WPP–188 Proc. Int. GOCE User Workshop, Noordwijk.


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  3. Kusche, J., Ilk, K.H., Rudolph, S. (2000) Impact of terrestrial data on future satellite gravity field solutions, in Rummel, Drewes, Bosch, Hornik: Towards an Integrated Global Geodetic Observing System (IGGOS), Proc. IAG Sec. II Symposium, IAG Symposia Vol. 120, Springer, Berlin.

  4. Kusche, J., Rudolph, S. (2000) The Multigrid Method for Satellite Gravity Field Recovery, in Schwarz: Geo- desy beyond year 2000, Proc. IAG Sc. Ass., IAG Symposia Vol. 121, Springer, Berlin.

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